university of south carolina spin zone fraternity greek life

University Of South Carolina Spokesman Goes Full Spin Zone To Defend (And Condemn) USC Greek Life

university of south carolina spin zone fraternity greek life

Just when I thought stories about fraternity discipline were gonna go on a three-month summer vacation, this little gem came my way.

From The State:

Fraternity and sorority violations at the University of South Carolina are down 18 percent from the previous academic year, according to disciplinary records.

Congrats, University of South Carolina; you managed not to fuck up as much as you did last year! A noble achievement given how that’s normally not what happens in Greek life.

Even though violations went down this year, they’re not gone. Not even close, really.

USC cited eight fraternities and two sororities with 23 violations in the 2017-2018 academic year. That’s down from 28 violations the previous year, which had the highest number of violations since at least 2011, the earliest available records. Despite this year’s decrease, the 2017-2018 academic year still had the second-highest number of violations since 2011.

The charges were for hazing, alcohol violations and failing to comply with previous sanctions.

Definitely an improvement, but still not a great look for the university. I wonder what their thoughts are on this situation. Are you they going to say, “We still have a long way to go?” “We’re working vigilantly to get those numbers down?” “Greek life is doneso?”

“People see increases in infractions and people assume that means there’s worse behavior,” university spokesman Wes Hickman said. Rather, the reason the infractions are higher than many previous years is because students are more likely to report wrongdoing, Hickman said.

“We really focused on students behavior a lot in the last few years,” Hickman said. “Students are starting to stand up and take responsibility for themselves.”

Wow. Translation: more bad shit isn’t happening; we just have more narcs in the system working for us and reporting violations. What a spin job on his part. He’s defending USC Greek life while also supporting its condemnation. Truly a remarkable wordsmith, this guy.

You’re safe for the next three months, USC Greeks. Stay woke when you get back to campus, though — your chapters apparently have moles.

[via The State]

Image via Shutterstock

  1. thevaginatorv2

    Alrighty players it’s Tuesday and everyone knows what that means! Yep Mclosers Mom has once again volunteered to be today prize! Good luck to all

    7 years ago at 11:53 am
    1. ShowMeYourButtStuff

      I wish we could accumulate all the laps you’ve been given and make you run every last one of them in the Sahara with no water available.

      7 years ago at 6:39 pm
  2. SharkWeekTFM

    Might not be narcs but people trying to be safer. In the past things go much worse when you try to cover up something that legit should have been reported.
    But could be both.

    7 years ago at 2:25 pm
  3. Fratty Couples PGA

    In honor of this great moment, please, in lieu of Fail Friday, have some guy with a big dick write an article about what that’s like, so some of the trolls can understand what that’s like. I would do it, but I have a job.

    7 years ago at 8:34 pm
      1. thevaginator

        Why are you still a virgin? Oh yeah because you’re broke, an admitted drunk driver, a golfer, and an all around massive loser.

        7 years ago at 10:52 pm