Loving global warming and water boarding. TFM.

    1. SpAriat

      No..not ok.. Unless your an actual member..there’s actual member stickers and poser stickers..also I’m tired of seeing those god damn browning stickers

      14 years ago at 8:11 pm
  1. Waylon

    Would everyone on this site quit being a bunch of cynical fucks. Obviously this picture was taken by someone sitting behind this truck in traffic, so the situation IS funny in that some random noble Texan has two great bumper stickers to piss off the few left wing “change” artists that regrettably inhabit the state. Just because they are bumper stickers and aren’t on the back of a 2011 z71 tahoe, does not mean you have to degrade every possible element of the picture.

    14 years ago at 1:02 am
    1. Brose Cuervo

      About time someone said it. Nitpicking? NF. Why can’t people just enjoy the frattiness of things without picking out minutiae that could be changed to make things perfect? I realize that TFM is nothing if not a forum for oneupsmanship, but there’s a point where it goes from fratty to just bitchy whining.

      14 years ago at 8:20 am
  2. americangentleman

    From the American Gentleman:
    “Lesson No. 42: A Gentleman’s car is not a billboard.

    Nothing is less tasteful than a bumper sticker. Nobody wants to be memorialized on a car window either. Keep it sleek and classy.”

    14 years ago at 7:56 pm