Heard some GDI ranting about our "moral obligation" to share our earnings with the poor. I told him to save it for his blog. TFM.

  1. YITBOS1899

    Christmas… the one month out of the year where a Republican celebrates the Birth of a democrat and gives like one too. Christ said to the rich man give all that you have to the poor and follow me…he couldn’t do it.

    14 years ago at 9:48 am
    1. Mike Brozier

      actually, Republicans, on average, donate more money to charity than Democrats.

      14 years ago at 9:59 am
    2. hot dog

      People have a moral, not legal, obligation to give to the poor. The government has no business taking our money and redistributing it. I’ll give my money to whom I please. Christ was not a Republican or a Democrat, but he was definitely a capitalist. He told us to give of our own free will, not to create some corrupt bureaucracy to take people’s hard earned money and give it to people who sit on their asses contributing nothing to society.

      14 years ago at 12:07 pm
    3. fratacious

      Well said Hot Dog. It is against the Protestant work ethic for the government to forcibly take our money and give it to lazy bums who truthfully are needy due to their own fault. Jesus wasn’t a democrat, nor was he a republican. I don’t see how anyone can say he was either.

      14 years ago at 12:48 pm
    4. Philanthropist

      Thank you hotdog. (Usually my money goes to the NRA, Ducks Unlimited, CCA, my Church, or Muscular Dystrophy Association)

      14 years ago at 1:56 pm
  2. frataburger

    tell that GDI to shut up and finish bussing the table. And leave a dime for a tip.

    14 years ago at 10:20 am