Just realized our hunting truck has a Reagan '80 sticker on the back. TFM.

  1. Fratrick Hazey

    This is fratty and all, but it is not a move. More than half of the posts on here are not moves. How can things be total frat moves when they aren’t even moves? However, I love the Republican Party and am very proud to have been born while Reagan was still president.

    14 years ago at 2:06 pm
    1. chill brobaggins

      TFM now pretty much refers to anything that is really frat instead of just standing for Total Frat Move. It’s more funny that way

      14 years ago at 6:14 am
    1. YouWouldn'tUnderstand

      You don’t replace a good hunting truck. If you don’t understand, you never will.

      14 years ago at 6:29 pm