Post coital Parliament Light. TFM.

  1. The North South


    I like it when the slampiece leaves because she doesn’t want to smell like smoke. I also like it when she smokes with me after coitus, or she gets a sandwich. You can’t lose!

    14 years ago at 10:24 pm
  2. mm

    I like it when the slampiece sits on my chest and leaks out her period blood or takes a huge shit and I can roll it into a joint and smoke it.

    14 years ago at 10:44 pm
    1. well thats not what you say

      These are the exact comments that have the potential to ruin this site

      14 years ago at 10:54 pm
    2. Operation Enduring Fratdom

      this lame comment I’m replying to = NF
      moderators = NF
      non exclusive site = NF
      Passwords and Usernames = FaF
      Exclusivity = FaF
      The fact that the gent behind the site is just running the show and doesn’t personally know how to put passwords and usernames on the site = FaF
      The fact that he hasn’t gotten a geed geek to do it for him = NF
      I’m not wrong, so lets get this fixed… that’s you, yes you… DON’T MAKE ME TURN MY HAT BACKWARDS…

      14 years ago at 11:19 pm
    1. frat hard, frat often

      I feel like most cigarettes are pretty frat. Nothing wrong supporting good ol’ southern tobacco.

      14 years ago at 11:52 am