Bet 10 grand on the over/under for the 2010 Miami opener. Paid Jacory 2,000 to make sure it happens. TFM

  1. UFfratstar

    The u is not fratty. Nothing about you flat billed Ed Hardy is fratty! Go to south beach and fist pump with all youre jersey shore looking gdi’s.

    14 years ago at 11:52 am
    1. UM>UF

      Regardless of the GDI’s on our campus none of the fraternities or sororities wear Ed Hardy. Yeah we go to South Beach but most go FaF. Greeks are their own breed on campus we just arent as fratty because not all fraternities have houses and none of the sororities have houses. We’re private and in a major city our university isnt the epicenter like other locations such as UF.

      14 years ago at 7:53 pm