If God had a throne. it'd be made of keystone.

    1. TheFrattasticVoyage

      Nah, Keystone light is still consistent with washington frats. only it would be a flat of tall boys, not 30 bombs. Also, a top tier frat wouldnt need that much shitty hard A. They would rely on the lower tier frats to get the girls drunk with their shitty hard A. Its only economical.

      14 years ago at 9:07 pm
    2. ABear1311

      I only thought so because I had always thought Rainier was brewed in Washington. I can only hope no one in the house actually drank anything from this throne. I wouldn’t feed my dog Keystone.

      14 years ago at 1:27 pm
    3. 1stDukeofFratington

      No Rainier isnt made here anymore, but still uses Yakima valley hops (best in the world). Keystone is the primary drink for most, but considering my dad drank rainier when he summited St. Helens back before it blew I have to keep the tradition up.

      14 years ago at 6:24 pm
  1. James Frank Fratkins

    10$ Handles of Vodka on top of the least fratty beer on the planet. Natural Light is called Fratty Light for a reason. Take notice.. and is that Segrams? Buy actual Bourbon.

    14 years ago at 1:05 pm
  2. SirFratalot

    You must worship a different “God” down in Texas. Mine sent his only begotten Son to save us from the sins of Keystone and cheap booze.

    14 years ago at 1:55 pm