On my third Scotty Cameron of the semester, I should really quit three putting. TFM.


    Not being able to control yourself on the course. NF. Maybe you should pick up a copy of Golf Etiquette and throw in a few lessons at the club; make a nice little Saturday of it.

    14 years ago at 12:41 am
    1. McFrattin Nugget

      Not necessarily. Proper Golf Etiquette while playing with your dad’s corporate partners. FaF. Proper Golf Etiquette while playing with your drunk frat bros. Depends.

      14 years ago at 3:39 am
    2. ballball

      Any frat star worth his salt has the competitive drive that occasionally causes a lost temper. And the only thing you can do in that case is blame your equipment and break it.

      14 years ago at 7:21 am
  2. CAptbap

    Three putting and throwing a temper tantrum. NF
    Breaking par and carrying yourself like a gentleman. FaF Then ordering twisted Arnold Palmers in the club house. TFM

    14 years ago at 1:12 am
  3. Manuel_Brosoloras

    Having a putter with my last name laser-cut into the bottom of it. TFM.

    14 years ago at 2:09 am
    1. old line state

      is it just me, or does having your last name on your putter seem kind of gay to anyone else? might as well have just gone ahead and put a monogram on it.

      14 years ago at 9:59 am
    2. Mward2002

      Opinions, NF.

      Only saying factual things, TFM.

      Your putting sucks. Get better before you have to bag a long putter. If you bag a long putter, you might as well just hang yourself.

      14 years ago at 12:17 pm
    3. Fratty Ice IV

      this isn’t special. anyone can get a Scotty Cameron with their name on it.

      14 years ago at 3:30 pm
    1. Rancidness

      whaaat? Someone not being a poser and being able to laugh at himself? Old School Frat Move

      14 years ago at 9:44 am
    2. frat barkley

      Ya there are roughly 21 million male golfers in America, about 4.5 million keep a handicap. Since not having a handicap is extremely NF, its a safe assumption all TFM posters have a handicap. About 2% of golfers with handicaps are scratch golfers or better, therefore roughly 90,000 scratch golfers or better. I would approximate that there are 200 posters on TFM, therefore 0.2% of all scratch or better golfers post on TFM….makes sense to me.

      14 years ago at 2:54 pm