Sterling Cooper Solves Our Lockout Problems


At this point in the year, one fact has become painfully obvious: once the Texas Rangers walk off the field as World Champions this October, we will likely confront what will come to be known as “The Sports Apocalypse of 2011.” As with any impending apocalypse, we need to make sure that we are adequately prepared. Currently, it appears both the NFL and NBA will face at least temporary delays in the start of their seasons. I know that a lot of you have foolishly chosen not to like basketball, but even the biggest NBA hater is going to miss seeing Blake Griffin on SportsCenter’s Top 10. Golf will still be going on, but who really cares since Major Season will be over? We could always watch hockey, but like everything else about the North, it’s frigid, of a lower caliber, and not entirely captivating. The Cold War may be over, but any sport that the Russians love and excel at reeks of communism to me. As a result of the looming sports drought, I’ve compiled a short list of things we can do to keep ourselves entertained during the fall:

1. College Football- If at any point you feel the slightest bit depressed by the possible loss of the NFL, take comfort in the fact that College Football’s far superior season will still be there. Each and every week you’ll still be given a reason to either celebrate with drunken revelry, or pound whiskey to wash away your sorrows. Rivalries, bragging rights, scandals, and most importantly tailgating…seriously, do I need to tell you how awesome college football is? I think not. Remember, the glass is always half-full, and consider on the fact that with the NFL’s absence you can double your bets on every NCAA game.

2. Pledges- There’s nothing better than having a designated combo maid/driver/ errand boy/court jester/bitch to do everything you say even for your simplest satisfaction. To further your entertainment portfolio, have the pledges play a game of full contact football in the front yard of the fratcastle every Sunday. Instead of normal rules, create an ungodly mash-up of XFL, UFC, and NFL Blitz combined. Have the biggest guy dress up as Macho Man Randy Savage just for the hell of it (RIP). If you don’t enjoy seeing one pledge spear another into an oak tree while you rip Marlboro Reds and drink Johnnie Walker, then you’re a commie and should be watching hockey.

3. Hunting- If anything can distract us from the lockout lull, it’s a good hunting bloodbath. Stealthily executing a shit ton of animals will not only make us feel better, but simultaneously piss PETA the fuck off. Remember the helicopter hog hunting video ( Would you really rather watch an NFC West game or spend the day slamming Budweiser and sniping the fuck out of feral hog from a helicopter?

4. Women- Double your normal intake of slams and try out some unusual shit. For ideas, check out the discussion on crazy sex acts ( My personal favorites would be the Mandarin Waterslide, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, The Midget Spaghetti Monster, and The Poops-Pow Surprise. Considering none of those actually exist, another fun escapade would be to invent them. I eagerly await your ideas.

Obviously we’ll all survive the possible delay in the professional sports seasons, and there are hundreds of other things we can spend our time on. We can use this experience for good, and it may end up giving us a better appreciation for the things that we already do. I’d say the biggest lesson to be learned here is that if we don’t want the NFL owners to create a work stoppage, we should all just become owners. I think that’s the most rational course of action. Dibs on the Cowboys.

    1. NuketheNorth

      Yea being America’s Team and the owner being TFTC about everything. Yea you can go fuck yourselves.

      13 years ago at 10:31 am
  1. OilFrat

    Dibs on Tennessee. That Sigma Chi jackoff (Bud Adams) is running them into the ground

    13 years ago at 7:54 pm
    1. The_Light

      So by your rationale the fact that Bud is a Sig and, in your belief, gay means he can’t run a football team. I guess Drew Brees and Sean Payton both being Sigs and the leaders of the defending champs means nothing. Fratwall, youre a dumbass.

      13 years ago at 9:53 pm
    2. HazingSince1869

      Pretty sure the Packers are the current defending champions, not the Saints. Nice try though.

      13 years ago at 10:19 pm
    3. Lux Fraeterna

      Fratstar Runner, I know where your name came from. I don’t know what to make of this.

      13 years ago at 12:59 am
    4. west is best

      You can’t really hate on Sigma Chi when our alumni are the epitome of success.

      13 years ago at 1:48 am
    5. Till I Die 1855

      Brad Pitt – Banging Angelina Jolie.
      David Letterman – Banged all his female coworkers.
      John Wayne – Well… He is the fucking Duke.

      there are three for you, and there are plenty more to prove the we aren’t gay.

      13 years ago at 7:48 am
    6. Southern boy

      your friend/alumni not being gay says nothing about you, sir. this is fucking pointless, and im almost embarrassed to comment on this.

      13 years ago at 9:04 am
    7. Haze W

      Hey jackass EX actually is ranked 5th in alumni. It goes DKE (5 presidents and founder of almost every fortune 500) Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha Order, Phi Delt, then EX nice try though. BTW Brad Pitt fucks Tom Cruise loser.

      13 years ago at 11:29 am
    8. FratwallJackson

      Beta has more Fortune 500 CEOs than any other fraternity.. Not sure why you’re so excited about EX.

      13 years ago at 5:13 pm
  2. GWB

    Turn the Stanley Cup on. That statement you make about Hockey is pretty bullshit buddy.

    13 years ago at 8:02 pm
    1. ChiSig1967

      amen, nothing more american than cracking the bitch in the wrong color jersey because you can

      13 years ago at 8:08 pm
    2. Frattalachian State

      Hockey also seems to be the most “pure” sport. Why? Because players play for the love of the game, there are hardly (if any) scandals, no steroids, the players don’t act like goons off the ice (this is aimed towards all the football and basketball players), and the players are also very humble. So, in my opinion, hockey is one of the greatest sports because of its purity, and also because it combines finesse and brutality. For the record, I could give two shits about what anyone says about me or my opinion.

      13 years ago at 8:42 pm
    3. FratwallJackson

      ^If a sport needs to be defended by a phil major, it’s NF.

      My drunken mind got lost when you said “pure” in regards to a sport. Douchebag.

      13 years ago at 9:25 pm
    4. Southern Tau

      @ frattalachian… your argument about hockey is too strong and wreaks of desperation to get others to like the sport. It’s a NF sport and will always stay that way. Also your school sucks and Southern is going to kick your ass.

      13 years ago at 10:37 am
    5. GWB

      I challenge all you Hockey haters to grab a few beers, turn on the Stanley Cup and try and not be entertained. Get back to me after that….

      13 years ago at 12:36 pm
    6. SlangWang

      Hockey is FAF. It’s dominated by whites, not monkeys. If you have a problem you can drop your gloves and solve it like men. Requires money to play. No other professional athletes booze like hockey players, and every girl wants to fuck us.

      13 years ago at 1:34 pm
    7. Mizzourah

      If anyone watched game 1 of the Stanley Cup and still thinks that hockey is NF then we have some serious disagreements.

      13 years ago at 9:06 pm
    8. PE

      Who cares if someone else likes hockey? If you like it, watch it. If you don’t, watch something else.

      13 years ago at 6:08 pm
    9. Tallapoosa Snu

      ^ dude kind of has a point. Its not bad, but its not great. Hockey is like hesistantly fuckin a low tier sorostitute, its like “yeah it kept my interest for a couple hours, and there were a few moderately entertaining moments, but theres probably better shit I could be doing, and I’ll make damn sure to not bring this up in public”… so yeah. Your call.

      13 years ago at 12:09 am
  3. South of Broad

    Mr. Cooper, you sir, are an idiot. Your comment about hockey is way off basis. Hockey is one of the most expensive sports out there, dominated by white males, and takes an enormous amount of skill to play.

    13 years ago at 8:11 pm
    1. the nelson

      All of these things may be true, but it doesn’t change the fact that no one gives a fuck about hockey.

      13 years ago at 8:17 pm
    2. Tallapoosa Snu

      Lux seems to have called out South of Broad’s inability to comprehend and utilize the english language in the context of South’s support of hockey and how that coincides with the somewhat universal stigma of the low intelligence quotient of the standard hockey player, correlating with an inability to achieve long term, diversified success. South, your retort?

      13 years ago at 12:15 am
  4. Fratom Bomb

    Fuck Dallas. I have dibs on the Redskins. My first orders of business:

    1) Have Dan Synder water-boarded and subsequently gunned by by firing squad for heinous acts of treason.
    2) Have Albert Hanyesworth and Donovon McNabb traded to Miami for draft picks, cash considerations, and/or massive amounts of drugs.
    3) Have FedEx Field transformed into a Roman Coliseum-esque destination for fights to the death in which enslaved geeds will battle with only their longboards and sweatpants strings for weaponry.
    4) Start John Beck, and by doing so, fully commit to the 2011 “Suck for Luck” campaign.
    5) Fire the Shanahans and have them replaced with Rex and Rob Ryan. GODDAMN SNACKS FOR EVERYBODY.

    O yeah, and I’d probably sign Nnamdi Asomugha, Davin Joseph, and Santonio Holmes once free agency is lifted. Hail to the Redskins.

    13 years ago at 8:46 pm
    1. old line state

      fratom bomb, give me a call when you plan on starting the hostile takeover. i’m down to be your partner.

      13 years ago at 12:20 pm
  5. Senator Haze

    In 2010 Plunkett Research estimated the sports industry to be worth $414 billion (B). At the end of my post I provided the link for the numbers used in this post.

    Estimated League Revenues:
    NFL: $7.8 B
    MLB: $6.8 B
    NBA: $4.0 B
    NHL: $3.0 B

    According to ESPN during the 2009-10 season the NBA’s average game attendance was 17,149 spectators whereas the NHL averaged 17,070.

    ‘the nelson’ how do you validate your statement “All of these things may be true, but it doesn’t change the fact that no one gives a fuck about hockey” when the NBA only averaged 79 more spectators per game than the NHL? The NHL may not generate as many dollars or as much drama as the NBA but is comparable in average game attendance showing people do care about hockey.

    On a side note, there’s no need to swear. Swearing online to sound cool = NF.

    Plunkett Research Sports Industry Overview

    13 years ago at 9:53 pm
    1. the nelson

      Swearing isn’t cool? Look man im not one to bust balls really, but good lord. Hockey is a northern sport watched by northerners. People in the south don’t care. I am in the south, i do not care.

      13 years ago at 10:00 am
    2. IHSFrat1855

      Canadians in attendance only count as 3/5 of a person so that number is going to drop a bit.

      13 years ago at 10:27 am
    3. Tom BROdy

      IHSFRAT- The 3/5 game can be played for the NBA as well… this is a southern website.

      13 years ago at 12:13 pm
    4. Tallapoosa Snu

      The only reason the NBA and NHL have similar attendance is because they play in the same venues. Around 17,000 people fit in arenas, so thats how many people go to the games. Pretty obvious shit… NFL stadium capacity is ~70,000, and they average 69,000 spectators, MLB stadium capacity is ~44,000 and averages 39,000 spectators, so attendance doesnt mean shit, its basically just how many people fit in the building, so that argument is erroneous. NHL revenue is only about 75% of the NBA’s, which means ticket prices are lower, meaning its hard to convince people to go. Also, according to a Harris Poll, only 5% of Americans say hockey is their favorite sport. For comparison, thats about the same number as soccer. Not to mention that the average value of an NHL team is less than half of an NBA team, and according to a Cost/Asset based approach, that means it is viewed as half as economically lucrative, and not even close to the value of the NFL or MLB. In summary, nobody gives a FUCK about hockey.

      13 years ago at 8:45 pm