Checking out the acreage on the back of my quarterhorse.

  1. TooSratToCare

    Warmbloods are waaaay better.. but quarter horses are very American and therefore FaF. Love this pictureee 🙂

    14 years ago at 5:54 pm
    1. The Golden Key

      The QH breed has really declined and the vast majority of them are unathletic and ugly. If you really want a good American breed, the American Thoroughbred is a much better choice. The look of eagles, TSM. Warmbloods are sratty too though (and probably the only European import that is).

      14 years ago at 8:17 pm
    2. TooSratToCare

      My first horse was an American TB so i definitely agree that they are a great breed. After working with German warmbloods, though, I’ve become a huge supporter. Much like cars: stay domestic with a sturdy American or import luxury European.

      14 years ago at 7:18 am
    1. ztapearlsandcrowns

      The Fraattoper and rgb4 clearly you have never been to the american quarter horse congress. One of my horses costs twice as much as my BMW and I have 2 of that caliber

      14 years ago at 8:31 pm
    2. The Golden Key

      The average sale price at the 2010 QH congress was $8,085. QHs are a dime a dozen.

      14 years ago at 9:55 pm
    3. ztapearlsandcrowns

      The Golden Key high dollar show horses obvs don’t go through sales. Those are breeding stock and working ranch horses.

      14 years ago at 10:04 pm
    4. The Golden Key

      Really? Because the top horse at that sale (Huntin For Chocolate) sold for $300,000 since he was a well-known western pleasure breeding stallion. There were definitely quality horses at that sale, but nobody wanted to pay much for most of them. And yes, the average sale price of $8,085 included Huntin For Chocolate’s price.

      At this point, I doubt whether you’ve even been to the Congress. You sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

      14 years ago at 1:10 am
    5. ztapearlsandcrowns

      Yes your figures are right however as you said Huntin for Chocolate is a stallion ergo breeding stock as I said. I can’t speak for all however in the circles I am framliar with Paint and Quarter horses go for substantial prices and are the strongest and most succesful breeds.

      14 years ago at 3:39 pm