Wounded warrior project charity. TFM.

  1. Ben Elli

    I appreciate your service and I know im going to get lit up for this, but when servicemen post this kind of shit all over their vehicle it seems unnecessary to me. There are plenty of servicemen and woman who go overseas, do there job, and then quietly return back to their normal lifestyle without plastering their accomplishments everywhere. The humble shall inherit the earth.

    14 years ago at 7:26 pm
    1. CarBro Shorts

      Agreed, but I think this is more of a sticker trying to gain support for the war from liberals rather than an attempt to glorify themselves. Like I said, I agree with you though.

      14 years ago at 7:40 pm
    2. TangoKiloEcho

      Being humble is something that can be cast aside when the time calls for it. Decals like this are great for reminding/pissing off the pockets of liberal anti-establishment douchebags that American heroes have been giving up everything for the past 10 years so they can continue their lifestyle of pretending that it’s all a ploy for oil or whatever the new fad of the day is. Hooyah

      14 years ago at 7:52 pm
    3. the fratness monster

      I agree, I knew this guy that decked himself out in “Vietnam Veteran” attire all the time and he was a fucking clerk. I understand the war effort requires a wide range of duties but come on, don’t glorify yourself when your fellow soldiers are dying while you are drinking by the water cooler half the time.

      14 years ago at 8:34 pm
    4. Skeeter

      I cant stand the ones that did one tour but still mold their life around their service even though they have been out for the past 15 years and they work at a gas station.

      14 years ago at 9:26 pm
    5. Fratimus__Maximus

      Your opinion is obviously your opinion but if you’ve never been in or never been over there, then you really don’t know what its like. When you put your life on the line for the country you love, the greatest one on the planet, you have a mentality set and its easy for that to be carried back. In my opinion, the guys who are fighting on the front line for their/our freedom of speech, can damn sure use it however they see fit.

      14 years ago at 10:00 pm
    6. MULLBROZER1868

      fratimus maximus hit the nail on the head. This is about opinions and the truth is supporting the war effort from the states only goes so far. Hate to say it but I’ve had friends come back from these shit hole countries and call me POG because they did what I could not.

      14 years ago at 11:26 pm
    7. Fratom Bomb

      You can be as humble or obnoxious with your accomplishments as you like when you get home from the middle east.

      14 years ago at 12:11 am
    8. Fratahaulic11

      this might be the most serious conversation i’ve ever read on this website

      14 years ago at 2:24 am
    9. TFTGAFaboutusernames

      This person should be proud of what he did for our country, our people, and people all across the world. However the use of liberal pussy does not need to be said. Soldiers can be proud of what they did and still flaunt but this sticker is a little much, and NF.

      14 years ago at 8:45 am
    10. Jay_Fratsby

      I love and respect my country and troops just as much as any American. But I’m sick of “conservatives” who favor involvement in Iraq. Conservative politics do not favor involvement in Iraq. Neo-conservative nutjobs do.

      14 years ago at 10:09 am
    11. Leges

      A true hero has a servant’s heart and provides humble servitude without a desire for recognition

      14 years ago at 1:04 am
    12. TommyPickles

      How about you criticize a service member if you’ve been overseas. If not shut the fuck up and enjoy your right to criticize them, but do not exercise that right

      14 years ago at 2:39 pm
    13. Adolf Fratler

      Fuck Iraq. We went there and didn’t do shit but lose a bunch of good men and make a butthurt country even more butthurt while wasting a ton of money.

      14 years ago at 5:20 pm
    1. lilly111

      Agreed! Though it’s generally a TLiberalM to blatantly insult everyone who disagrees with them, this is awesome.

      14 years ago at 11:14 pm
    1. AllNatural

      No need to, doesn’t really matter to me. You’re trying way too hard though if you did Photoshop it or whatever. If it’s real, then nice move

      14 years ago at 8:31 pm
  2. Frats in Camo

    Ok why was this Warrior here It was a Wounded warrior project charity golf event at the Lake Lanier island on June 6th. Chances are if he is there is was wounded in combat and has lost a limb or got shot and lost movement. The guy is a hero

    14 years ago at 8:41 pm
  3. FratingSiouxForever

    Its cool that your a soldier and everything, but your photoshop skills are lacking. The “sticker” does not follow the glass, also the lower art is printed on the teneau cover. Good try though… I guess

    14 years ago at 9:12 pm
  4. SweetSouthernComfort

    While i agree with this statement and appreciate everything that this man has done for our country, posting something like this on a car is just trashy

    14 years ago at 9:24 pm
  5. more than you

    The thought is nice, but if you’re gonna post a picture about it actually do it

    14 years ago at 10:03 pm
  6. Constantine Chapter

    and everyone got pissed when I said the same thing…I have respect for you being a veteran…I dont have respect for people looking for a pat on the back.

    14 years ago at 11:44 pm
  7. dchambless83

    Well I have to say, as a tour tour veteran who was then paralyzed, I am somewhat ashamed at the behavior of some of you. The guy clearly took pride in his post and you want to argue about if it is photo shopped or not, get over it. It’s up now bash whinny liberals. Nothing more i like to do when i wake up in the morning is grab my WSJ, coffee, and find a liberal and bash him for being a weak little pussy. If you haven’t been over there and are sitting on this site comlaining about someone elses vehicle, just shut up and say thank you sir/ma’am cause you had the balls to go and fight, and get shot at, and get blown up, and eat s**t food, maybe shower once a week, get visited by the traveling shoppette once a month and be lucky to have enough razors so you can finally change out the ones you have been using for a month now. maybe some baby wipes so you can take a whore bath between wiping the sand from you cracks, and then head out the wire to walk througha city of ungrateful people who don’t speak the same language as you, and look at you from their windows, and knowing that out there is one guy who wants to pull the trigger on his IED and you are thinking, “is it going to be me today who gets it?” Now shut up and let this man bash a whinny liberal because its our right to do as we please.

    14 years ago at 8:07 am
    1. jc_nolan

      Thank you Sir for your service, but you are annoying as fuck. You are simultaneously what is right and what is wrong with our country. I applaud you for your service, and i wish more would follow your footsteps, but I also want to knock the arrogance out of you. The one thing I cant stand in this world is hypocrites, and you Sir are the epitome of a hypocrite. You whine of “whinny liberals” who don’t give you the respect you think you deserve. Furthermore, there is absolutely no need to proclaim to everyone and/or anyone your duties overseas. It is trashy and egotistical, and will get you nowhere. You obviously were not raised properly or had some type of incident that left you mentally handicapped. In conclusion, thank you for your services, but shut the fuck up.

      14 years ago at 11:11 am