The German showing Miami how to drink $80,000 worth of champagne. TFM.

    1. Mark_Cuban

      Dirk is my pledge, that is the only night this year I have let him drink. The champagne was warm too.

      14 years ago at 12:33 pm
    1. tabbanator

      you sir, are stifling all that is frat with your constant criticism of what people wear. i’d be willing to bet Dirk’s lifestyle is exponentially more “frat” than yours, which perhaps, reveals some motivation aka jealousy behind your comments. keep it classy, my friends.

      14 years ago at 6:43 am
    2. Brolysses S Grant

      Yeah except for that one ugly ass girlfriend he had who ended up trying to embezzle from him…seriously Dirk has GOT to pull better in Dallas than that broke ass bitch

      14 years ago at 10:50 am
    3. Fratdaddy number 2

      ^hahhahahhaha imagine Dirk talking to girls at a bar……”your not a jew right?”

      14 years ago at 6:13 pm
  1. Pope of the Fratican

    Never had that bottle in that size before, but Mark Cuban blowin cash is FaF.

    14 years ago at 9:21 am