Watching California try to frat is like watching the Special Olympics. TFM.

    1. CaptainBrohab

      Probably from California and thought he’d join in on the hatred for his state.

      13 years ago at 10:05 am
  1. rooster cogburn

    I helped out with a special olympics qualifying event and those guys worked their ass off and were focused on their craft, very buisness-like, (unlike californians) while also laughing and enjoying themselves instead of being self loathing far left drains on the nation. Dont compare those kids to the mass majority of piece-of-shit west coast brahs.

    13 years ago at 10:33 am
  2. CaddyFrat

    Being from California: something you can fix.
    Being a GDI: something you can fix (everyone is a geed for at least a week or two so shut the fuck up)

    Having a mental or physical handicap: something you’re born with you can’t change.

    You, copenhagen straight, are a magnanimous piece of shit. Kudos to rooster

    13 years ago at 11:37 am
  3. Bro Reilly Frator

    This is fucked up. I hope the post doesn’t stay up too long and it shouldn’t have even made it in the first place.

    13 years ago at 12:29 pm
  4. Haze Balzington

    I volunteered at the special olympics once, I was highly disappointed to find out that boxing and wrestling were not among the events. The whole reason I decided to volunteer for it was to answer the age old question, who has better retard strength, down syndrome kids or people who had their umbilical cords wrapped around their necks. I guess ill have to do an independent study, video to be posted soon.

    13 years ago at 12:48 pm
    1. PKPSails

      You sir should not call yourself a Fraternity man. In no way is this funny, this is fucking sick, go to hell.

      As for this TFM, fail on your part TFM pledge.

      13 years ago at 4:17 pm
    2. scbro91

      Nothing on this site is worthy of being called a man. Most of it is worth being called a douche or asswipe.

      13 years ago at 6:53 pm
  5. pibetaphlan

    this is a disgrace to what fraternity life stand for. special needs athletes are some of the most hardworking and talented athletes around. we should celebrate their accomplishments, not use their disabilities in an attempt to get a laugh.

    13 years ago at 5:27 pm
  6. Keep the Change

    Even though they know they’re gonna get shit for it, at least the Californians on this site claim their home state. Nothing is less frat than not being proud of your home. I have no idea why this site allows you to put “Anonymous” but it does make the cowardly tools stick out just a little bit more than usual.

    13 years ago at 10:25 pm
    1. CAptbap

      I can’t agree more… allowing “anonymous” is a cowardly move! Put the damn state your college is in.

      13 years ago at 12:56 am
  7. CAptbap

    California’s may not dress fratty at all (I’m not arguing that one bit, hell… I saw a guy walk out of the Sigma Nu house on SDSU’s Fraternity row wearing flip flops and some surf brand shirt) But they undoubtedly party hard, it’s hard not to when some of the largest and nicest schools in the state are on the beach! (PLNU, UCSD, UCSB, Pepperdine, Stanford, USF, with ton’s other’s close to the water like Berkeley (that liberal piece of shit), and Stanford.

    13 years ago at 1:04 am
    1. Pearls_n_Pansies

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure LMU in LA is a lot closer to the beach than Stanford University…try 5 minutes as opposed to 30 minutes or more.

      13 years ago at 2:50 am
    2. JPHaze

      Who gives a fuck CA sucks you have a regressing economy, your schools are even topped ranked anymore amongst the nation and you don’t accept out of state students. Also yall are real pussys.

      13 years ago at 1:52 am
    3. shorts85

      ^ admissions at uc merced a little too hard? also, with a struggling economy more out of state students are being accepted because of their higher tuition rates. do some research before being a biased little prick.

      as for CAptbap, palo alto is lovely, but not on the beach.

      13 years ago at 9:04 pm