If you're going to wear a tank top, you fucking own that thing all day. TFM.

    1. Brother Whiskey Dick

      I have a feeling that the Fail Friday column this week is going to be horrible and will really ruin my weekend if pictures like this are getting put up now.

      14 years ago at 10:07 pm
    1. KingOfTheBROcean1855

      Christmas lights in June. Half Christmas was today so I suppose that’s acceptable.

      14 years ago at 10:14 pm
    1. SratBrat2TrophyWife

      good call sir….as for the GDI in this terrible picture, Bless Your Heart

      14 years ago at 10:08 am
    1. Puff Fratty

      This is a phi delt. Just about the worst fraternity on campus. But, in his defense, it was Chilifest.

      14 years ago at 1:19 pm
    2. FrattinWithClass

      If that kid is a Phi Delt then we’re gonna send some real PDTs over there to tell them to get their shit together or national will yank that charter.

      14 years ago at 6:29 am
  1. the nelson

    Typical Aggie trash. A&M is the bastard child of the Texas Schools. They wonder why they’re the ass end of all our jokes.

    14 years ago at 8:52 pm
    1. The Land of Cotton

      As in the school with more money than every other school besides the horns?

      14 years ago at 3:15 pm
    2. UCLA Pike 4 life

      ^As in the school with no fucking cheer leaders or class. Oh and did you forget about TCU and SMU? A&M is a state school, not a private school.

      14 years ago at 8:55 pm
    3. FRATworthTexas

      I hate to agree with the pike, but he’s right. There’s no way A&M has more money than TCU or SMU

      14 years ago at 4:20 pm
    4. BROkies1869

      “If you ain’t pike, you ain’t shit!” My response- “Shut the Fuck up, Toby”

      14 years ago at 4:53 pm
    5. LSullivanRoss

      Pike, if you knew anything about TAMU, you would know that it was until an all-male military school until the 1960s. The use of Yell Leaders as opposed to chearleaders is representative of that. TAMU has other traditions like Muster, Silver Taps, and Yell Practice , found nowhere else. As a fraternity man, you should have an appreciation for tradition. And while students in California were smoking pot, taking acid, protesting, and being all-around geeds, TAMU was producing more commissioned officers to fight for our country the all 4 service academies combined. So fuck of and go smoke a doobie.

      14 years ago at 8:28 pm
    6. Lucas Fratterson

      Shut the fuck up frathardfratoften. Come up with something fucking original then come talk to us.

      14 years ago at 2:45 pm
    7. bevobro

      Umm yeah Ross nobody really gives a fuck that A&M was all male until the 60’s. That fact just goes to further support the fact that all aggies are f@ggots who fuck goats. Fuck you and all of your gay aggie brothers. Texas fight.

      14 years ago at 9:19 pm
    8. Lucas Fratterson

      Dissing the military. NF. You live in one of the most liberal cities in the country. So how about you shut the fuck up.

      14 years ago at 1:19 pm
    9. Lucas Fratterson

      Hopefully Texas fights to a winning record this year. Too bad they won’t.

      14 years ago at 1:20 pm
    10. Frataholic

      The corps is NOT the military, and not at all liked in the REAL military. Fraternity men respect tradition because we started most of them. When you go to a school that has hundred year old chapters and the same block seating for football games (that they actually dress up for) for 80+ years, then of course you appreciate tradition. When a bunch of geed farmers and wanna be’s tell you to respect the traditions they created then hell no!

      14 years ago at 2:56 pm