I just checked my checking account. I had $4,000. But my dad just deposited $2,900, because he thought it would be funny for my balance to be $6,900. Such a comedian. TFM.

  1. PGA bro

    $6900 = Typical GDI account balance. Try to roll large my friend. I have $6900 on my wrist right now.

    14 years ago at 7:32 pm
  2. Broeitling

    Hahahahahaha that might actually be funny if we were talking about a few more zeroes…

    14 years ago at 7:11 am
  3. don't mess with the brohan

    I simply don’t care how much money you have. Gimme a lap pledge

    14 years ago at 7:53 am
  4. Southern_Traditions

    Must be nice having daddy give you everything huh? Not working for you money=GDI. Go work on your art somewhere.

    13 years ago at 10:04 pm