Shark Week is for Losers

This past weekend, posers everywhere stocked up on Hot Pockets and Fruit Roll-Ups, then geared their DVRs to ensure they never miss a minute of the ever-important “Shark Week” on The Discovery Channel. As Americans, it has become somewhat of a tradition to waste our time on less than deserving television programming. Women obsess endlessly over the childishly fake Bachelorette, and I shamelessly waste three-and-a-half hours of a Tuesday night watching Astros vs. Marlins without blinking. Regardless, Shark Week obsession is a new low. It knows no boundary of race, sex or creed. It is all consuming, and it must be stopped.

The worst thing about Shark Week is how people feel the need to constantly talk about it. Every year, the week beforehand is littered with unprovoked reminders from strangers that next week is, in fact, Shark Week. I have a TV, douchebag, and I’ve seen the commercials. Discovery Channel is not paying you to advertise. It’s pathetic, but the country hasn’t been this united since 9/11. Republicans and liberals snuggle up on the couch together and watch “Shark After Dark” while hippies and Vietnam veterans high-five each other when some dude finally gets ripped in half on “Top Five Eaten Alive” after 45 minutes of meaningless buildup. Afterward, all of these retards get on Facebook and change their status to “SHARK WEEK MOTHER FUCKER” then tweet “#SHARKWEEK #MOTHER #FUCKER” before hopping on Google+ and joining a hangout with other losers to watch the next episode together. If everyone would just shut the fuck up and enjoy their own TV in the privacy of their home, I might have less hate in my heart. There is a remote possibility that if I was the only person in the world that knew about this week I would be able to squeeze a small bit of enjoyment out of it.

I don’t see how such a multitude of people can be this ecstatic about garbage, and the only logical explanation is that most of these super fans have never even seen a Shark Week show. Either that or you’re all too stoned to realize that it’s all recycled footage and overhyped nonsense. I watched two episodes to fuel up on anger before writing this column. One consisted of marine biologists discussing a myth about a great white shark (that had never been captured on camera) and an attack that allegedly took place (no proof was ever found) with stock footage of great whites spliced in. It made me want to punch myself in the dick. The next episode was a guy trying to “deconstruct the popular image of sharks as sea monsters.” His theory is that if you show no fear, and give them no reason to hurt you, these gentle creatures will do you no harm. He stood in a few feet of water for 45 minutes surrounded by sharks while the cameras rolled. I became irate, believing this hour would be void of action just like the last. But then, out of nowhere, one of the giant bloodthirsty killers got bored and ripped his fucking calf off. I’m talking completely off. It was awesome. Eight hours of surgery were required to save his life, and his leg looks all kinds of crippled now. You should have seen the look on my face. I had finally witnessed a bit of entertaining footage. I began to question my very existence and thought, “Have I been wrong about Shark Week all along?” Nope. The rest of the show was about how that moron went back to the exact same spot where he’d served his calf for lunch, and “repeated” the experiment. Except this time he was rocking a “Trained by Super Predators” t-shirt, didn’t seem to go as far out into the water, and was surrounded by way fewer nurse sharks. When he wasn’t attacked, he proclaimed his theory correct. I felt my blood boil.

In closing: Planet Earth is cooler, the great white shark jump captured above will never be beaten, Andy Samberg should be put to sleep, reenactments are for Mississippi trailer trash, and Bruce in Finding Nemo was a degenerate British addict.

Follow @TFMIntern on Twitter.

  1. carolinahaze

    Talking endlessly about shark week is pretty gay, but I don’t see what is NF about watching an episode or two every year. It’s apex predators killing shit on film – what’s not to like?

    13 years ago at 12:40 pm
    1. ArnoldPalmer777

      TFM Intern sounds sexually frustrated…get laid and quit hating on sharks…we have accepted that you are, in fact, a GDI…but we don’t have to accept your sanctimonious diatribes about what you don’t like (i.e. sharks, women, brotherhood, etc.)

      13 years ago at 12:51 pm
    2. StayFrattyAlum

      How can you not like Mob Week hosted by Rudy? Minus Godfather III all of those movies are awesome….and true, shark week is a lot of recycled and over-hyped footage…but I can name an infinite amount of things that piss me off way more. Stop hating on the fish and gangsters.

      13 years ago at 1:03 pm
    3. PhiHard

      haha I agree with you guys. Its entertaining enough watching big ass sharks eat shit. Theres some pisspoor acting but sharks are sharks. They’re fucking awesome.

      13 years ago at 1:06 pm
    4. The_Light

      Stayfratty – He wasn’t denouncing Mob Week. I need not further explain this.

      13 years ago at 2:18 pm
    5. SouthernByGodsGrace

      No need to debate TV shows, but after reading this column I feel that the intern snorted a shitload of adderall before writing it.

      13 years ago at 2:46 pm
    6. Perma_sperry foot

      Sharks are the top of the food chain for the Ocean. Frat daddy’s are the top of the human chain. I therefore consider anything to do with sharks FaF.

      13 years ago at 3:50 pm
    7. AmericanFratty

      it’s the greatest drinking game ever. take a shot every time you see a shark on tv.

      rules: tv stays on discovery channel

      13 years ago at 9:43 pm
    1. The Piker

      you are correct, but only because if you ever compare me to that fucking douche again, I will kill you. Seriously, he is an awful troll, along the likes of The_Piker and Red Lobster. I may not be the best, but I am levels above them.

      13 years ago at 12:47 pm
    2. The Piker

      Hahaha well I may occassionally go off-topic, but these fuckers are so obvious and douchey it annoys me.

      13 years ago at 12:55 pm
    3. The Great State

      Add 69rushpike69 and oprah is a dike (not dyke because he is hilarious) to the the list of closet queers.

      13 years ago at 12:58 pm
    4. The Piker

      Yeah, there are now fakes for Oprah, RushPike, and me…Also, Piker is a bitch and Pikers_Mom…

      13 years ago at 1:00 pm
    5. EdHardy

      To Piker^ That’s along the lines of a comparison of your ass eating skills to the likes of Ricky Martin and Cowboy Troy. But I’m glad that you think you have something going for you.

      13 years ago at 1:03 pm
    6. ArnoldPalmer777

      Guys…leave EdHardy alone…he is just pissed that Battlestar Galactica is no longer being syndicated…wouldn’t you guys be upset if you didn’t have anything to do on Friday nights anymore? I’m sure The Great State would be trolling, too, if they canceled Toddlers and Tiaras.

      13 years ago at 1:18 pm
    7. rock chalk brohawk

      piker is the biggest gdi piece of shite i have ever seen. he works for fucking old navy and live in Pgay and goes to south caolina the most GDI school in the sec and wears hair gell. what a noob

      13 years ago at 2:28 pm
    8. ArnoldPalmer777

      WHY THE FUCK ARE ALL MY COMMENTS AWAITING MODERATION? Fuck this GDI intern and his shark bashing ways…

      13 years ago at 4:11 pm
    9. Kenny_Powers

      ^They won’t let you post if you have a dick in your mouth…I know, life’s not fair.

      13 years ago at 4:13 pm
    10. ArnoldPalmer777

      There are probably plenty of others reasons, but I’m sure u know that one from experience pumpkin. Now move along…big boys are talking.

      13 years ago at 4:24 pm
    11. Kenny_Powers

      Pumpkin? You are the Pavlov’s dog of homosexuals. Before the zipper is even down, the dick is in your mouth.

      13 years ago at 4:34 pm
    12. ArnoldPalmer777

      Well as much as I would LOVE to argue over who’s gayer ( and believe me, I would…I’m sure you can’t wait to use all these clever gay jokes you have written down from years of humiliation) I should probably bow out because 1) You will win, lets face it bro, you practically sneeze glitter…and 2) I feel this is going to turn into one of those “Oh yeah? well your so gay [insert random joke format that was made popular int he 90’s here] LOL” kind of threads and I wouldn’t want to visually assault the rest of the TFMers with your “clever” jokes. Oh, and then tell me you can kick my ass bc I’m sure ur like 6’4″, 250lbs and blablabla…Well this has been as subtle as petting a puppy with a hammer. Good day sir

      13 years ago at 4:49 pm
    13. Kenny_Powers

      I’m sure you are missing the tingling feeling only a dick up the ass can give. So by all means go ahead and get a running start.

      13 years ago at 4:56 pm
    14. ArnoldPalmer777

      ^ This…and you see what I meant by “clever”? You don’t fail to disappoint Mr. Powers lol…oh and tingling sensation really? Maybe there is something to this “gay” thing…but I’ll just have to take your word for it…it would never work for me…I mean who would make the sandwiches?

      13 years ago at 5:05 pm
    15. The Piker

      Arnold Palmer wins. hahaha yes I work at Old Navy! How did you know? They drill for shale now!

      13 years ago at 6:55 pm
    16. Year Around Frat

      I can actually respect the humor of the trolls who are in fraternities yet still love trolling. But geed trollers are painfully obvious and terrible

      13 years ago at 7:52 pm
    1. thefrattestofthemall

      wow. by the time i got done with that article you assholes got to take my fuckin sarcastic glory. fuck you

      13 years ago at 12:42 pm
    1. Southern_sphinx

      Between Braves games and getting fucked up at my Fraternity’s convention I’ve been watching this too.

      13 years ago at 12:56 pm
    2. Frat OClock

      AMC isn’t showing Godfather III, making Mob Week that much better than Shark Week.

      13 years ago at 6:06 pm
    3. Engaged and underage

      Mob Week should have been invented much sooner, and I sincerely hope it’ll become an annual event. Amazing! All my favorites on one channel in one week!

      13 years ago at 11:04 pm
    1. carolinahaze

      Oprah, I don’t know how you find all these vids but they are gold.

      The best part about this one is whale #1, who’s so heavy that whale #2 can’t even lift her up underwater.

      13 years ago at 1:03 pm
  2. Southern_sphinx

    The only people shown on shark week are hippies and liberals. Every once in a while one of those Godless Obama lovers gets eaten, and then it goes back to shit.

    13 years ago at 12:54 pm
  3. Frat Water on Tap

    I agree with this article. If you watch shark week every year your wasting your time. It’s the same drawn out shit every year. In each episode, the take the longest time to build up some story, cut to commercials, then repeat what they said before commercials. Each episode could be 15 minutes long.

    13 years ago at 1:09 pm