Picking up a half-dozen cases of Pro-V1's on the club account before heading back to school. TFM.

  1. Immortal Seventh

    people who have the talent and skill to benefit from hitting ProV’s usually dont need to buy that many of them. You must be one of those assholes who has convinced yourself you’re good enough to hit them

    13 years ago at 8:14 am
  2. SigmaNuCJK

    I take it you did all of this in your Sperry’s, and Ralph Lauren Oxford, driving your Frathoe, drinking Maker’s Mark, while hazing the pledge of allegiance, and texting Slampiece #12 on your fratberry. While Slampiece #2 was at home making you a sandwich and Slampiece #7 was ironing your shirts.

    13 years ago at 6:43 pm