A Message From Jacob the Generic Rush Chair

I just wanted to check in and give the active chapter a few things to think about during rush. Everyone thinks my job is to run around quoting Animal House and to get kids blackout drunk, but there’s another side. While the active chapter is ignoring rushees and grinding on ass conceived in the early 90s, I’ll be locking down 18 year-old dudes and entertaining future GDIs. Here are a few things I’d like to point out:

The fucking older guys don’t show up until the bars close.

Classic move, but here’s the thing: I know what you’re doing, and I don’t like it. I’m forced to be at this thing from start to finish. That includes the awkward first hour when the only people there are rushees and C teamers who don’t have anything else to do. More importantly, the only girls there at this point are groupie retreads who have had their dignity removed by multiple frat dongs. Have fun getting blackout at the bar and then showing up once it reaches rager status, assholes.

Taking advantage of the system rushee

You make my life miserable in many ways. It’s not enough that I’ve done everything outside of blowing you for the past 2 weeks, now you show up with your random sketchy friend from high school who has a better chance of getting a turd thrown in his face than he does getting a bid. Part of me wants to believe this is some type of psychological warfare and maybe you’re just testing me. Odds are you just roll with the occasional doucher and haven’t had the wonders of conformity instilled in you yet. I’ll let this slide once, but pull this shit again and I’m throwing the ball.

Hitting on Dudes

Let’s be honest, all we’re doing is blurring the lines of heterosexuality. Small talk, exchanging numbers, picking you up in the newly washed SUV that I don’t pay for, it’s all the same shit. Normally I’d be creeping around the dance floor with a semi looking to make a move. Instead, I’m sitting here on the front porch talking about your high school football career. Newsflash dickhead: nobody gives a shit that you caught two touchdowns against Southlake Carroll in a losing effort. In fact, this is a great way to get pawned off to an over-zealous C team active who really does want to get to know you.

Breaking Up the Package Deal

There’s always those two butt buddies that show up at everything together. They probably went to Hobby Lobby and purchased their togas together. Normally that’s great to see, but there’s a problem: one of them is possibly the biggest douche in the universe. Maybe they went to high school together, or maybe they met at orientation. Either way, they give off the vibe that says it’s all or nothing. You try to get him to take a hint by only communicating with the non mongoloid rushee, but this guy just doesn’t get it.

Rolling With the Face Guys

It’s never really talked about, but everyone knows what’s going on. The rush chair can’t just roll around with the B and C team. This will force me to handpick a squad based on social skills, wealth, and to some extent looks. Look I get it, it’s pretty gay. It may even be classified as super gay. But my job is to rush balls, and sometimes you have to indirectly tell one of your brothers that you think he’s one of the better looking dudes in the chapter in order to do that. Sue me.

I’m not asking for your sympathy, but I am asking for you to take a break from plowing hot ass so that you could maybe meet one or two rushees. Fuck it, I’ll be over here locking down a 5 star from Beaumont. Get laid for me.

  1. older row

    As a rush chair I find this hilarious. Being RC pretty much forces you to NOT be TFTC about anything, which sucks, but it’s ultimately worth it.

    13 years ago at 10:41 am
    1. bromontana7

      As a fellow RC I couldn’t agree more with you. Glad to see that all RC’s go through the same bullshit but like you said it’s worth it

      13 years ago at 11:29 am
  2. Fratrick Brochanan

    As an old guy, I’m out at the bars cause I’ve spent enough of my precious four years acting like I give a shit during rush. You youngsters want to come in and take over but then need someone with experience to hold your hand along the way. If I were you I’d hide behind to mentoring argument, but it sounds more like a whining liberal…

    13 years ago at 10:53 am
    1. Frat up or shut up

      ^Fuck you, I’ve done my time and it’s not my job to rush. It’s your chapter now, rush kids that you like.

      13 years ago at 3:47 pm
    2. TotalFratBro

      “As an old guy,” when I get stopped by a brother and introduced to a rush I’ll typically hear “so you’re in this frat? I don’t know if i want to rush yet.” I consider it my job to say “Listen, I don’t care if you rush or not. Shotgun a beer with me.” And as that rush is borderline throwing up foam and campus food, I walk away.

      13 years ago at 8:40 am
  3. Fratweiser

    I’m from texas and have legitimately heard people talking about the glory days at southlake Carroll

    13 years ago at 11:11 am
    1. Sunrise Shotguns

      I’m from North Carolina and have a brother who talked about South Lake Carrol HS constantly. Small world…

      13 years ago at 11:37 am
    2. PTG Beauregard

      If the glory days were actually that glorious, why aren’t you on the University’s team there stud? Don’t feel like swimming in the ocean of slams and booster benefits that is D1 football?

      13 years ago at 11:43 am
    3. Sig Fratling

      Had a pledge dog that talked about winning state champion ship in 2A Class football every time I saw him.

      13 years ago at 1:17 pm
  4. Bronan the Barbarian

    Take heart, generic recruitment chair, you’ll soon be getting to haze the fuck out of them as revenge.

    13 years ago at 11:26 am
  5. PGT Beauregard

    Rush Chair bitching at Seniors to care about rush. Typical. I probably won’t even learn these fucking kids names. My job is to show up hammered and look cool. Don’t you dare do the “introduce and ditch” thing with me, and expect anything other than another handoff. I’m going to go play X-Box upstairs until its time for the bars, and there is nothing you can do about it, RC.

    13 years ago at 11:36 am
    1. MachoMan RandySavage

      Look at this cool guy playing Halo upstairs. Do you give tugjobs while you wait? What a douche.

      13 years ago at 11:56 am
    2. lxaex1143

      Pregaming the bars and avoiding the rushees that show up at 7 by playing some ncaa is not a douche move. It’s just what those who can drink at bars do because we’ve already put in our time.

      13 years ago at 12:55 pm
  6. funkyd04

    Me: “You do realize we’re not giving your friend a bid, right? And you still want to join?”

    Rushee: “Yes”

    Breaking up high school friendships is fun.

    13 years ago at 11:37 am