Killing terrorists for ten years to make up for one sucker-punch. TFM.

  1. totalTSM

    This is rather ignorant…A whole lot more has happened between the US and Al-Quaeda and the Middle East. I fully support all that G.W. Bush has done/continues to do, but wish that people would also realize it’s not just 9/11 that started the war. It’s decades of bad people running the Middle East and threatening all that we hold dear in America.

    13 years ago at 1:30 pm
    1. Fratman and Robin

      9/11 catalyzed that reaction and when people ask what is your justification for supporting the wars……I usually don’t cite an outdated religion and centuries of devolution in the region. I just say because they started it.

      13 years ago at 1:41 pm
    2. Fratimir_Putin

      aside from the Taliban not handing Bin Laden over to us and not letting us investigate suspected terrorist camps, 9/11 is the whole reason this war started.

      13 years ago at 2:14 pm
    3. scbro91

      Mr. Putin, they offered to hand Bin Laden over, Bush rejected the offer and started a war instead.

      Also, I agree with TotalTSM, all religion is outdated; it promotes ignorance, intolerance, and spreads violence.

      13 years ago at 7:36 pm
    4. Fratimir_Putin

      wrong scbro91, they said they wanted proof that Osama was responsible for the attacks and if they could provide it, they would try him in Afghanistan under sharia law. Bush responded with a “Fuck you”

      13 years ago at 8:04 pm
    1. scbro91

      No it wasn’t, a few guys just thought it was “Bring your plane to work day”.

      They didn’t get the memo it was cancelled.

      And that is why you always leave a note.

      13 years ago at 7:37 pm
      1. oldslappy

        Scbro91, I’m glad you found humor in the death of my uncle and friend’s parents.

        10 years ago at 10:19 pm
    2. Southern Brocephus

      scbro91, that is quite the irreverent comment…..
      It is gonna take a hell of a lot more than ten years to make up for the blow to the gut that we as a country took ten years ago. Just remember, God will judge every last one of the cowards responsible

      13 years ago at 7:43 pm
    3. Davy Crockett

      And people like scbro91 for his irreverent comments. I bet he wouldn’t talk so tough in real life in front of a serviceman.

      13 years ago at 8:32 pm
    4. Lieutenant Frat

      Talk tough to me, “bro”… I’ll haze the un-American geed right out of you.

      13 years ago at 2:38 am
    5. Fratting hard

      Scbro, I hate to inform you that posting unanimously on a website that is intended for fraternity men to share funny stories about their time in college is far from being outspoken. If you expect your comments to have an affect on the people who view them, you should probably lower your expectations quite a bit. That being said, if truly feel that America is the hypocritical country that you continue to mention in your posts, there are options for you.
      For starters, you could leave. Being a free country, you are more than welcome to pack up and move anytime you’d like. In case you’ve yet to realize this, as a tax-paying citizen (if you have a job… unlikely) you contribute to the so called negative actions that you continue to discuss.
      Then, if that isn’t enough, why don’t you move to the Middle East and join the forces that are fighting against our great country. We all know AL Qaeda’s liberal ass is a wanna be lower tier fraternity, giving bids to everyone and trying to “stick it to the man”. From your comments on this post it appears that you’d fit right in.
      However, since you’re a pussy that would never truly stand up for the way you feel, I’m sure you’ll continue to post on websites, feeling good about yourself because you’re able to make tasteless jokes unanimously, knowing good and well you’d never have the balls to say them to anyone’s face. Take which ever route you chose, just understand this; the rest of us stand behind our troops and our country, and in our eyes you are nothing but a piece of shit.

      13 years ago at 7:07 am