Spurrier Lays Down the Law

    1. BroswickStew

      I like Gundy, but his reaction here comes off too much like a hotheaded middle school football coach. It’s obvious that the reporters have gotten the best of him. He can’t control his anger. Spurrier lets them know he’s pissed, but he knows he’s the one wearing the pants in that room.

      13 years ago at 1:58 pm
    1. nubro

      That is not hazing, you dipshit. Why does everyone on this site think that whenever someone they admire speaks it should be called “hazing.”

      13 years ago at 7:32 pm
    2. qp06390

      Thank god you brought that up, nubro, because saying that someone lies is not hazing, and if you consider that hazing, well, sir, I can only imagine that your pledges are a bunch of pussies that wear cargo shorts on the weekend.

      13 years ago at 8:59 pm
  1. KApital Punishment

    Isn’t Gundy a GDI, Spurrier is definitely a TFM. But Gundy’s “I’m 40, I’m a man” blowup is Top 10 college football post game interview of all time.

    13 years ago at 1:55 pm
    1. TheConfrateracy

      Ha the market in Charleston? why dont you go down to the goodwill and get some quality cargos while you’re at it?
      There’s only one place to get a quality one and that’s Judge Keller’s in Clemson. Granted chicken gdi shit aint allowed in there.

      13 years ago at 10:41 pm
    2. TheConfrateracy

      Clemson greek life trumps USC. Plus, USC couldnt even do a real rush this year.

      13 years ago at 4:39 pm
  2. The Piker

    Also, Ron Morris is the douchiest GDI ever, so that makes this wingman-like move to take the heat off of Garcia even more impressive.

    13 years ago at 2:28 pm
  3. Manchild

    Thinly veiled attempt to divert attention away from the Garcia dismissal. Shit happened six months ago, yet Spurrier chose yesterday to respond to it, simultaneously blowing it way the fuck out of proportion and trying to vilify someone who doesn’t pander to his whiny, arrogant ass. That’s the Ol’ childish and egomaniacal Ball Coach at his finest, right there. Come on. Nice try, Steve.

    13 years ago at 2:30 pm
    1. The Piker

      He was referencing that as an example. Morris has written negative things a few times a week, every week, this season. He just chose one story in particular to explain how Morris works. He tries to turn fans against different parts of the entire athletic program, and make the football team out to be the “bad guy”. I am sure you are a Clemson fan or a Georgia fan who wishes he was your coach.

      13 years ago at 2:40 pm
    2. Manchild

      How dare you assume that I might be a Georgia fan. Fuck Georgia. Anyway, so you think Morris is hard on the Gamecocks, or has some sort of agenda to harm the program? I can buy that. He got the same flack when Lou Holtz was still in town. That’s Morris’s schtick. If you don’t like it, though, get a Rivals account and sign up for Gameccock Central, then get your news from there if you want a positive, homer slant on everything.

      13 years ago at 3:45 pm
    3. The Piker

      Sorry, didn’t mean to offend you with the georgia comment. I am a member of Gamecock Central, but I still read the State because I pick it up at the Russell every day. I just think that Spurrier had the right to do this, especially because it would make Morris look like an ass if he broke the news about Garcia in a negative way. It was more preventative to keep Morris from ripping into Garcia, I believe.

      13 years ago at 3:48 pm
    4. Manchild

      Apology accepted. Everybody hates Georgia. As for Morris, he’s a dick, especially concerning Spurrier. I get it. But, that doesn’t change the fact that Spurrier is a cry-baby, and a bigger dick.

      13 years ago at 8:16 pm
    5. Mward2002

      To ask a fair question, is it that Spurrier’s acting like a cry baby and a dick because he can’t take negative press well? Or is he just that sick and tired of some douche making shit up that he’s had enough of players/boosters/etc jumping on his balls about it when a new story comes out?

      I hate the liberal press as much as anybody, especially when they start fabricating things in order to write a story in the hopes that it pisses someone off enough to jump and give them more stories. I just think it’s not that big a deal that Spurrier told this guy to go fuck himself and make that entire room pissed off at that one guy for making them have to stay later than they probably wanted.

      13 years ago at 8:54 pm
    6. TheConfrateracy

      Why would a Clemson fan ever want Spurrier as a coach? They had a shot at him in ’04 and turned him down. Plus currently they’re 6-0. Looks like they’re doing better than USC. Sorry, but we dont want him. nice try.

      13 years ago at 10:48 pm
  4. booze haze slam

    pussy was about to cry! the media sucks for all of us but damn dude stories are printed all the time.

    13 years ago at 9:06 pm