Never reading what's assigned, but always dominating class discussion. TFM.

    1. Frattler

      wow you must be so fucking cool man. not only was it true, it was SO fucking true. in fact i bet when Good Old Boy posted it he was thinking of you.

      13 years ago at 3:50 pm
    2. Duke_of_Frattington

      Chill out, Frattler.

      I commented because it actually applied to my life. Considering I went to an Ivy League school, dominating a class discussion without reading anything (and sometimes hungover) is pretty fucking impressive.

      Bitching about comments that give a TFM more credibility. NF

      13 years ago at 5:16 pm
    3. Dukie5440

      Taking agricultural sciences at Cornell is still a geed move no matter how you spin it

      13 years ago at 6:31 pm
  1. Duke_of_Frattington

    Actually, I took business there and now work for a Wall Street firm.

    Shh…go back to your redneck-state schools that lead you to nowhere.

    13 years ago at 8:57 pm
    1. scbro91

      Missing the reply buton blah blah blah.

      Anyway, its fucking obvious you didn’t read, you just look like an idiot and people are laughing too hard to correct you.

      13 years ago at 10:32 pm