Occupy What? Why?


Unless you’ve been systematically avoiding the media for the last month I’m sure you’re well aware that Wall Street has been “occupied.” Now, when I hear occupation I automatically think of some kind of invasion by the Mongols, Nazis, al Qaeda, or hell…even China. But, there’s something about a few thousand unemployed and malodorous liberals marching around Manhattan that doesn’t scream occupation at me.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is reminiscent of the anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960’s, except for the general lack of purpose to the whole thing. The group claims that the occupation is a protest against corporate greed and that they are fighting for the middle class against the evil 1%, as they call it. But, that’s pretty much the end of their platform. The reality is that the movement is more of a socialist uprising with the participants bonded together over a common desire to restrict the free market, abolish true capitalism, and institute some kind of liberal ass new world order. Doesn’t that sound like a great idea? The people that somehow have enough free time to protest for an entire month have a solution for our nation’s problems. I’ve got a solution for ‘em. How about all you stop chanting in a park and get a fucking job! What kind of grown man has the time to join a protest rally for an entire month about nothing in particular? I’ll tell you: the kind of man that doesn’t really matter. I’m sure the middle class that they claim to be defending is probably too busy working and being a contributing member of society to worry about their bullshit publicity stunt.

But wait, it gets better. If you were wondering what kind of people this movement is composed of, New York magazine conducted a survey about the political beliefs of the group. The result is a cross between hilarious and horrifying. 55% didn’t vote in the last election, 37% believe capitalism is fundamentally evil, and 77% want to raise taxes on only the wealthy. We should ship them all to Cuba and let them live out their fantasy notion of an alternative to capitalism. I’m sure Castro would love for them to protest in his park.


As much as I’d like this to end quickly we are a month in to this overly dramatic protest and it has garnered worldwide attention as GDIs, liberals, and hippies around the globe have taken up the call. Despite the global support one question still remains unanswered: What the fuck do they want? I don’t understand how you protest corporate greed for an entire fucking month without a proposed solution. The group has not officially made any demands. Now maybe they’re too busy wandering around the city with poster boards harassing everyone that’s more successful, but they could’ve at least taken 20 minutes to come up with some kind of platform. This is going to go down as the vaguest demonstration in history.

In addition to the lack of true purpose, there’s also no leader. None at all. No one is in charge nor responsible for the demonstration. They just roam around New York like an amoeba of poverty and bitterness sucking joy and productivity from everything around them. The Occupy Wall Street movement is troublesome because it shows how easily the weak of mind can be rallied together under false pretenses and inaccurate information, but I wouldn’t be too concerned. Shortly they’ll all have to return to their puddles of mediocrity and we’ll go back to doing what we do best. Running shit.

    1. Dukie5440

      Soros, fucking the British taxpayers out of $1 billion dollars and now putting his money behind OWS. TFTC?

      13 years ago at 9:27 pm
    2. Vandal

      so the people protesting the top 1% are being puppeted by a member of the 1%… classic liberal flawed logic.

      13 years ago at 11:16 pm
  1. Sooner

    This has been a clueless mess from day one – they chose to “Occupy Wall Street” when it and the global markets are all at some of their lowest points in recent history. Typical liberals – complaining about something they know nothing about and offering no solutions or feasible alternatives.

    13 years ago at 2:38 pm
    1. Brofessor15

      Liberals are at least in favor of some more restricted form of capitalism. I don’t even know what these people are.

      13 years ago at 3:02 pm
    2. PhiGamma

      A restricted form of capitalism is the free market. Don’t like the company who is “harassing” you. Simply don’t give em your business. That is a good way of fixing their greedy ways.

      13 years ago at 4:17 pm
  2. Osama is Dead

    This is really a great post, but there is one thing I disagree with. I’m a “GDI” though I don’t take the label and blast it around. It’s not something I define myself as. To the contrary, I’d be in a fraternity if I could actually afford it. My father is a single father, middle class man who is busting his ass to put me through college, despite financial constraints. He, himself, was in a fraternity, but the whole “shaking hands” didn’t pan out for him. Point being, as much as I’d like to be in a fraternity, I’m not.

    Here is my point: “GDI’s” aren’t the sole root problem of this whole Occupy Wall Street bullshit. Rest assured, I won’t be at any of these stupid ass things and neither will my Dad. Yes, we are part of the 99%, but no, we aren’t going to be standing around in the fucking cold yelling for something that literally has no point.

    The root of the problem behind Occupy Wall Street is stupidity. Like you said, instead of standing out in a fucking park, these people need to get a job. I wonder how many job applications are being passed around? My best bet is none.

    Everyone apart of this movement was a 1% salary on a 0% education. If they would have actually tried to further their education past High School, they wouldn’t find themselves in a minimum wage job.

    Hard work determines success. Sure, you fraternity men have an advantage. But it’s an advantage that somewhere down your line, someone worked there ass off for. And taking into account that this site is a good 80% satire, and I have friends in fraternities who aren’t hedge fund, but come from middle class backgrounds, I doubt anyone here or across the nation who desires success, would be out there doing that stupid shit. The would rather be doing what seems to be becoming a dying concept- working a job.

    13 years ago at 2:41 pm
    1. Osama is Dead

      Change: “Everyone apart of this movements want’s a 1% salary on a 0% education…”

      13 years ago at 2:43 pm
    2. SouthernTradition

      Couldn’t have said the line about someone working their ass off to give us an advantage any better.

      13 years ago at 3:26 pm
    3. Fratstar Runner

      I should blast you for being a GDI on this site, but at least you’re honest about it. I’m sure about 3/4ths of the people who frequent this site are either GDIs or freshman.

      13 years ago at 5:12 pm
    4. pinkplaidandpearls

      This is where there really needs to be a distinction made between independent and GDI. This man seems to be the former.

      13 years ago at 6:35 pm
    5. frabst blue ribbon

      ^Completely agreed. I have some really fratty (for lack of better term) friends that aren’t in a fraternity and I would never call them a GDI since they dress and act in a manner similar to fraternity men. GDI’s wear cargoes, ride longboards, and act like they’re still in high school.

      13 years ago at 6:44 pm
    6. Year Around Frat

      GDI v Fraternities only exists in college. For this real life application we must consider who is likely involved. Top 1% is only wall street but likely the top 20% is mostly supportive of the big businesses since we have mutual funds and investments through them as well as trying to achieve top status. The bottom 30% probably gives no fucks because they have to work at mcdonalds in the morning. Those who are in the protest come from liberal families who have the capabilities to protest, similar to the 60s movement. Many of these people are educated enough to form their own ideas, albeit dangerous, anarchist, hippie shit. Ultimately the majority of people don’t care either way but probably think the protest is futile and unnecessary. This is not the time to brag about being 1% but look for the majority of the 99% who do not support this demonstration.

      13 years ago at 7:19 pm
    7. Citadel

      Well said. The world needs more men like this. Coming from a senior military college with no greek system I understand your pain. Also, much respect to the gentelmen above that didn’t pull the GDI card on this man.
      I am in full agreement with pinkplaidandpearls and frabtblueribbon. I know for a fact that some of us here and the fraternity man have much in common: dress, behavior, and pledship/4th class system. The same few of us here do recognize and have the upmost respect for the same traditions and brother hood that the greek system has to offer.

      13 years ago at 7:29 pm
    8. Fratstar Runner

      Yeah, honestly, I consider an independent who acts like a fraternity man to be better than a guy with letters that acts like a complete geed.

      13 years ago at 7:48 pm
    9. legalizehazing

      Even though I hate it at time I completely understand the war on drugs. We really need to get drugs away from stupid people. I simply wouldn’t have been able to coexist with hippies. I would have gone Anders Behring Breivik. . . too soon?

      13 years ago at 1:20 am
    10. Virginia Gentleman

      Well said Citadel. You may not be Greek, but you are definitely in a Fraternity. I know a few guys that went there and they got hazed balls.

      13 years ago at 11:43 am
    11. rainbowsociety

      but there’s always that one chapter at your school that takes this site way too seriously, am i right

      13 years ago at 2:17 pm
    12. CokeytheBear

      You may not have the house, but as far as I’m concerned you are a true fraternity gentleman. I have the utmost respect for you, and any true fratter would share my view. If only more people in this country were like you and your father. I’d write you a check in an instant

      13 years ago at 5:43 pm
    13. funkyd04

      Motion for ‘Osama Is Dead’ to provide his paypal acct so that we may fund his pledgeship dues.

      13 years ago at 9:21 am
    14. Osama is Dead

      If I wanted a hand-out, I’d be at Occupy Wall Street. But I appreciate the offer with a whole hell of a lot of respect.

      I’ve started a business. If it succeeds, I will pledge. Thanks for all of your support and I hope to be able to call a few of you my brothers one day.

      13 years ago at 4:44 pm
    15. BushRepublican

      I think most of us realize there is a difference between an obviously qualified candidate for a fraternity, who cannot join for whatever reason and a GDI.

      13 years ago at 8:35 am
  3. Kentucky Wildfrat

    Favorite line: “They just roam around New York like an amoeba of poverty and bitterness sucking joy and productivity from everything around them.”

    13 years ago at 2:42 pm
  4. BBB IV

    “What kind of grown man has the time to join a protest rally for an entire month about nothing in particular? I’ll tell you: the kind of man that doesn’t really matter.”

    ^ this

    13 years ago at 2:44 pm
  5. mchampion

    Scbro91, where are you? I know you and your liberal piece of shit self is going to make some stupid comment on this.

    13 years ago at 2:45 pm
    1. Frat_Tastic99

      I live here and walk by them several times a week. You can smell and hear their stupid drum circles from blocks away.

      13 years ago at 2:53 pm
    2. Danny Devitbro

      Cartman warned about this. They need a scientist a black man they could sacrifice.

      13 years ago at 6:51 pm
  6. 1734

    Can’t wait to see all these pussy liberals try to deal with the cold of a north east winter in their tents in central park.

    13 years ago at 2:57 pm