Newt Gingrich to Occupiers: Bathe and Get a Job

    1. FranklinDBroosevelt

      Newt’s a pretty smart guy, but he doesn’t understand national politics. You can’t use words like “paragon” and expect more than a fifth of voters to know what you’re saying.

      13 years ago at 4:36 pm
    2. Wall Street Fratter

      You are unintelligent if you believe that is the first “intelligent” thing he has said. He is the most intelligent candidate, debater, and is the best candidate to run against Obama. Let me guess, you are part of the Ron Paul cult?

      13 years ago at 4:36 pm
    3. Brobert F Kennedy

      Ron Paul is hardly an illegitimate candidate, though I understand why you describe it as a cult. One man cannot change a system or restore libertarian values. He’s not George Washington or Dwight Eisenhower, he just doesn’t have the clout (like saving the country) to fundamentally change the political environment. Even those men struggled and failed to leave the legacy they intended. We aren’t neutral and we’ve still got this massive war machine that requires fuel, munitions, treasure, and blood to stay running. Regardless, he can’t win a primary in the Republican party and he’s too principled to run as an independent.

      My smart money is on Newt being the president in 2013.

      13 years ago at 9:19 pm
  1. No Knee Grows

    Many others have expressed similar sentiment, but none so beautifully and succinctly as Newt did here. Well-fucking-said. This clip needs to be played on video screens at every single OWS demonstration. If it manages to shame even just a few of these useless hippies to get off their asses and become productive, the entire country will be better off.

    13 years ago at 4:40 pm
  2. Lasalle_and_Jackson

    About time a politician grew a sack and said what’s on everyone’s minds.

    13 years ago at 4:57 pm
  3. Built_Frat_Tough

    Like a fucking boss. I agree that he is the best candidate to take on Obama in 2012.

    13 years ago at 4:57 pm
    1. grassy_knoll

      Unless he finds a way to get more votes, it looks like Romney may beat him, and subsequently get the GOP nomination.

      13 years ago at 5:32 pm
  4. Buckley

    I think it’s actually quite hilarious how close to 70% (in most estimates) of OWS protesters are employed, while closer to 55% of Tea Partiers are employed. Typical whitewashing, chest thumping, Republican dogma right there. A large reason why they’re protesting is because it’s nearly impossible to find employment. Firms are not hiring, the economy is stagnant, a 9% unemployment rate persists, and yet the leaders of incredibly irresponsible and poorly managed financial firms are raking in millions of dollars, largely thanks to government bailouts. I just can’t stand when people (both liberals and conservatives) downplay these sorts of issues by appealing, no doubt successfully, to the pathos of the America male. That’s my rant for the day.

    13 years ago at 5:41 pm
    1. hellmaster

      I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit on your statistics. MAYBE (probably not) 70% of OWS protesters WERE employed…but no self-respecting employer would allow an employee to miss work for weeks to go sit on a fucking street corner. I also highly doubt your claim of 55% employment among the Tea Party. May I have a link that supports your claims?

      Oh, and go fuck yourself

      13 years ago at 5:49 pm
    2. No Knee Grows

      Buckley, it’s been awhile since I heard someone throw out “statistics” that were so clearly and transparently bullshit. Let’s see a link to support your numbers, you Obama-loving commie geed.

      13 years ago at 5:56 pm
    3. Buckley

      Obviously, as the article states, many in the tea party are older, and thus retired, which skews the statistics slightly. That being said, I think it’s not very logical to criticize OWS without criticizing the Tea Party. On the other hand, both movements are, in reality, quite similar. But that’s a matter for a different time.

      13 years ago at 6:09 pm
    4. Dip

      You’re obviously pretty passionate about this and probably for a good reason, yet I think you buy into the liberal anti-Tea Party effort. I’d like to know where you got those figures from, as a quick google search doesn’t turn up results from any credible sites. By “most estimates”, you’re implying that you have a number of credible sources on the matter. Second, I feel it’d be pretty difficult to gather that data, yet easy to manipulate a small amount of said data. Additionally, take your Tea Party employment figures with a grain of salt, as the Tea Party is largely an older movement, and many members are likely retired, which explains the extremely high 44% unemployment, extremely disproportionate to the 9% unemployment figures (although it’s really more like 16-17%). I don’t think the Tea Party can be compared to OWS in the first place, however.

      Democrats are behind the bailouts, and that unemployment rate hasn’t really improved since Barack took office. Neither party is blameless, I agree with you there. However, camping out in a city park is no way to get the economy going again. While they’re out camping, hard working people will be occupying the jobs that protesters could potentially have landed.

      Another explanation for the OWS protests could be that a theater arts degree from the community college simply wasn’t the right way to go, in hindsight, and there’s no one else to put the blame on (the mysterious 1% will do just fine). Maybe dad was right all along. . .

      13 years ago at 6:15 pm
    5. No Knee Grows

      Buckley, your own source exposes you as an idiot. That poll (who knows how accurate it even is) says that 56% of Tea Partiers are employed, and an additional 32% are retired. That totals up to 88% of the movement, which gives a Tea Party unemployment rate of 12% (retired people are not considered “unemployed” – they have worked their entire lives and now they are retired and no longer part of the labor pool).

      13 years ago at 6:24 pm
    6. legalizehazing

      Liberals are retarded. It is impossible to find a job from the couch if you’re high. If you want unemployment to go down lower the god damn minimum wage sh it head. If you want firms to hire lets make a business friendly environment and tell the EPA to f uck off and lower the taxes. You can’t constantly set up impediments to business and then blame business when the economy tanks. Even considering the premise of OWS, the one thing they do agree on, the “1%” is bullish it. The individual income tax brackets includes small businesses. I repeat, Liberals are retarded.
      In America you have the freedom to be a virtuous and successful individual, not the freedom to be a lazy unproductive piece of shit that spends his time camping in the middle of a city trying to usurp off the productive ones. Buckley, OWS, kindly fu ck off.
      Zucatti Park,

      13 years ago at 6:57 pm
    7. Buckley

      @ Nokneegrows
      Fantastic name. I’m sure you’re quite the upstanding citizen. That being said, you are right. I did, in fact, read the statistics incorrectly. The point I was making, however, is that OWS and the Tea Party aren’t that different, and have many similar underlying beliefs. I have a feeling that many of you on here would be very quick to bash any politician who told Tea Partiers to “go get a job”.

      Firstly, let me be clear. I am not a “liberal”, or at least not in the sense to which you associate that word. I do not fully agree with, nor support, many liberal policies, and for that matter, I do not agree with many of the desires of the OWS movement. I believe in free market capitalism (when it is not abused), and love the United States of America. I simply feel that you have a very skewed perspective on what exactly OWS is protesting, and what it reveals about underlying trends in American society. OWS is not (entirely) composed of a bunch lazy-hippies (whom I disdain as well). It includes former police captains, war veterans, and hard working, blue collar Americans. I also feel the need to correct some of you economic viewpoints. As an econ major at Yale, I can assure you that your theories are about as beneficial to society as cancer. While I agree that lowering the minimum wage may help in creating jobs, your desires to create a better business environment are simply out of touch with reality. The U.S. already has just about the most business-friendly environment possible. Corporations are sitting on billions in cash, profits are (actually) incredibly high in many industries, and firms enjoy lavish tax-breaks in addition to already low tax rates. The EPA is, additionally, a necessary regulator body. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy not experiencing acid rain, contaminated drinking water, and vastly unhealthy smog. May I also remind you that the EPA was created by a Republican President. Goes to show just how irrational many on the right have become. There is, frankly, a distinct lack of reason and moderation in American politics today. That is quite worrisome.

      13 years ago at 9:09 pm
    8. Peter Angelos


      Life is unfair, there’s class systems. Go get a job that taxes you $1000 a week, then you owe the fed $10000 on the back end after your W2. After you earn that kind of money let me know what your opinion is and not your parents.

      13 years ago at 9:32 pm
    9. legalizehazing

      Sorry I made an assumption and was talking down to you. . . that degree from YALE certainly gives you an impressive ethos and obviously helped you cultivate an stunning power of reasoning. Even thinking OWS would have a higher employment rate frankly makes a bias evident. I would indeed charge you are the one making assumptions about the movement. The media interviews the protestors that can form coherent thoughts and sentences. A little research, which, pardon me, you clearly haven’t done thoroughly, would reveal at least the majority of protestors are not the virtuous citizens you highlighted.
      I’ll never take a lap for a Liberal. So, Fuck off. Yes, I know how to capitalize my L’s in regard to American ideology. Anyone sympathizing with OWS would not be a liberal in the true sense of the word. I will say there is a lot of confusion when discussing OWS because there are so many different perspectives being represented and that is most likely what has occurred in this discussion.
      But further there is a massive difference between the OWS movement and the TEA party. The fact that you don’t know this calls your political credibility into question. Yes, they are similar in that OWS is a more extreme end of the Democratic Party (aside from the moderate protestors derrrr) and the Tea Party could is considered the more extreme representation of the Republican Party. However, as an educated perspective on the issue would reveal one of the two is a reaffirmation of the liberal ideals the country was founded on. The other is a movement representing a developing sentiment for social citizenship that directly, empirically undermines the values that our country and modern society are founded on. I’m going to guess you’re not arguing for socialism or I’d have to say you are a Liberal and you are retarded.

      13 years ago at 10:40 pm
    10. Irrfrational

      Buckley, how can you say the US has the most business friendly environment in the world? Is that why almost every large, successful corporation has taken its headquarters and production elsewhere to avoid the awful corporate tax rate? Come on now.

      13 years ago at 3:55 am
    11. Irrfrational

      And with regard to your statistics about employment rates, if you click on the linked word “found” in your article, then read that, you will read that those occupy employment rate results came from a man who interviewed 198 people. I’m sure that is real accurate.

      13 years ago at 4:00 am
    12. Fratysaurus Rex

      Buckley, I agree with alot of what you said. Much of the right wing has gone so far that even Reagan would start to look a little like Marx to them. Its easy for them to forget what party created the EPA because they’ve never bothered to look at what they are arguing against. I’m not a liberal, but like I said, to the far right even Reagan would look like one.

      13 years ago at 5:41 pm
    13. sexyhj

      Really is it the right moving farther? Or is the growth of big and central government and entitlements unprecedented in most of our history just making some nervous.

      13 years ago at 5:14 pm