The GOP Field: Real Time Frat Analysis

An in depth Real Time Frat Analysis of the remaining GOP contenders.

Rick Perry


You want to like what he’s bringing to the table. Exaggerated Texas accent, super cliché in normal conversations, shot a coyote while jogging… Looks decent on paper, but unfortunately, part of the process requires debates. Debates require talking. Talking requires a thought, which I believe requires synapses to fire in the brain. I’m not questioning his capacity, but I am questioning his ability to put together a coherent thought under pressure. He’s been reduced to piggybacking off of others’ responses during the debates. Seriously, he’ll just shout shit out to get some airtime. I respect that. Talking out of turn is an underrated frat move. I think most people subscribe to this rule: if when you talk during a debate, I have to turn away because I don’t like watching people poop their pants, I can’t support you. Look, sometimes you get in over your head, and Rick has found himself in this position. He’d be like the guy that gets appointed to an exec position just because everyone likes him. Good face guy, he means well, but there’s a good chance he’ll spray diarrhea all over the bed when shit gets real.

    1. johnwallofKD

      Should resurrect Chief Justice William Rehnquist for the Oath of Office if that works out.

      13 years ago at 12:48 pm
    1. FratHarderNotSmarter

      If Obama wins this one (which, given his GOP competition, is a definite possibility), I think Jeb is the Repub’s man in 2016. The name, the background, the money, the right politics, he’s got everything he needs to defeat the Dem’s nominee.

      13 years ago at 10:17 pm
    2. JebBush2020

      Thank you, Dale Fratheart, but I’m waiting for all to fail, then the public will see they’ve missed the Bush family all along. I am the predator stalking its prey.

      13 years ago at 10:33 pm
    3. krosakrosa

      Rand Paul in 2012. Ron will be too old by then, but his son is a carbon copy of his father.

      13 years ago at 12:09 am
    4. FratasticMrOX

      Fratharder you might be right about everything except the name. If Jeb is a 2016 candidate, the democrats will do everything they can to compare him to W.

      13 years ago at 1:17 pm
    1. 1824Frat

      Im glad somebody else realizes this. Huntsman couldve and wouldve beat the dems. Ron Paul doesnt have too much of a chance against Obama, and Romney will even have less of a chance when Ron Paul runs independent and steals some of Romney’s votes.

      13 years ago at 1:57 pm
    2. Fratrick Brochanan

      Okay pledges, listen up.

      Obama got elected on a wave of independent and young voters. Many of you will deny it, but we all know the guys in our chapter who voted for Obie at 18 or 19 and have been trying to make up for it ever since.

      Ron Paul is the strongest candidate against Obama when it comes to the youth and independent vote.

      To all you evangelicals who want Santorum, I’m sorry. But evangelicals alone aren’t enough to beat Obama.

      You don’t beat Obama by rallying your base, you beat Obama by stealing his.

      13 years ago at 9:41 pm
    3. ThinkThereforeFRAT

      Fratrick has the right idea. And this idea of “Ron Paul is OLD!!!! But his son is just like hims so he’s great!” is retarded. So Paul is great but he’s old? Great! So elect Ron now and his son later.

      He knows his shit better than all the others (including Obama who has had 4 years to learn something but somehow managed to only get stupider) put together and he will learn anything he needs to know to make the right decision by two fold. Seriously, this guy doesn’t even watch porn, he just whacks it to economics texts book with the Constitution laid over it.

      13 years ago at 1:48 pm
    1. HankRearden

      I have a hard time supporting Newt after his attacks on Romney. He claimed Bain Capital put $30 million into some company just so they could take $180 million out and let the company fail, which makes ZERO sense (if they had $180 million to take out before Bain got there, they would have been worth at least $180m, not $30m). He just sounds like a dumb fucking liberal when he makes those attacks, and the same goes for Perry. I’d love to see Newt debate Obama, though. That would be a bloodbath.

      I’m stuck between Romney and Ron Paul right now which is actually fortunate, since I’m in Virginia and that’s basically our choice in the primary (no write-ins).

      13 years ago at 10:00 am
    2. mantis toboggan

      ^Winning Our Future Super PAC made the ad in support of the Speaker. Gingrich had nothing to do with it and can’t communicate with them or he’ll go to prison.

      13 years ago at 2:31 am
    1. HankRearden

      The media is making such a big deal out of the primary, like certain candidates are being alienated. They don’t realize that most Republicans, myself included, would vote for a sack of dog shit over Obama. At least the dog shit isn’t a Marxist.

      13 years ago at 10:01 am
  1. Bronan the Barbarian

    When the next sanest person left in the race after Mitt Romney is Ron Paul, you know you may be fucked.

    13 years ago at 10:02 pm
    1. john_galt

      Yeah, doing whatever you can to protect the constitution of the US and the principles this great nation was founded on is totally NF. Fuck you, communist scum.

      13 years ago at 1:20 pm
    2. ThinkThereforeFRAT

      Tribesman is one of my favorite trolls as of late. He knows people who like Paul, myself included, are enthusiastic. Oh well, I hope he has enjoyed his five minutes of whatever it is you get when you can make someone on the internet mad for 5 seconds.

      13 years ago at 1:52 pm
    3. TexasFratsHarder

      Tribesman you ignorant fucking shit head, it’s retarded incest born children like you that allowed the democrats to fuck our beloved country to the trembling tramp it is now. Enjoy your beaurcearized government run welfare state while the rest us stand up for what our revolution was fought for

      13 years ago at 2:13 am
  2. fratanomics

    Rick Perry – I’d love to rage with this dude. I’m not real sure he’s someone I want running the country.

    Newt – He’s been around forever, and that’s about all good I can say about him.

    Santorum is against non-procreative sex, even for married couples. He’s right out.

    Ron Paul is 50% insane and 50% good ideas. Every single time you think he’s coming around with a good idea, his mouth opens again and completely trashes his newly found momentum.

    Romney is a Mormon. That’s enough right there. He also managed to spear head a universal healthcare initiative in MA that not only bankrupted the state but also managed to suck even more than a Thai hooker in a Hoover store.

    13 years ago at 10:09 pm
    1. Frat A Hayek

      I used to agree with you about paul, but now i disagree. he’s the fucking man. if you’re gonna name yourself fratanomics, you should realize this.

      13 years ago at 10:15 pm
    2. Fratkha HMR

      I don’t know Hayek, I gotta give it to fratanomics on this one. No way in hell should Ron Paul ever be President. If he ever made it to the Oval Office, this country will become isolated, vulnerable, increasingly more stupid from a global standpoint, and would be even more overrun with hippie potheads than it already is. Essentially, he’s replaced Obama in the way that he’s managed to keep a campaign afloat with half-mad ideas and lofty promises that appeal to the politically ignorant masses. Romney 2012.

      13 years ago at 10:58 pm
    3. fratanomics

      My opinion on Ron Paul has more to do with some of his social conservative domestic views as well as his foreign policy. Isolationism doesn’t work. Never has and never will, especially in an era of global communication and cooperation. Long story short, the GOP candidates mostly suck. The electable ones have a shitty platform and voting record. The ones worth voting for aren’t electable or aren’t running.

      13 years ago at 11:10 pm
    4. Paul Hazinger

      He’s not an isolationist. He just doesn’t believe in undeclared wars that have nothing to do with our national security, see LIbya.

      13 years ago at 11:16 pm
    5. Project Mayhem

      Thank you, Hazinger.

      Since when did non-interventionalist equal isolationist?

      As far as legalizing pot, it’s just to galvanize his stance that the government has right to be THAT involved in the lives of its people.

      It’s a sad day when the man speaking truth seems like a lunatic…

      13 years ago at 2:15 am
    6. gordonbombay

      you guys do realize congress basically runs the country right…a president can only do so much with his power…ron pauls insane ideas would go nowhere

      13 years ago at 3:27 am
    7. southcar89

      what the hell does austrian economics have to do with anything shepherd?
      paul’s the man. A great American and Constitutionalist.

      13 years ago at 1:16 pm