John Boehner pulling off the disgusted look/death stare combo at Barack Obama during the State of the Union. TFM.

    1. SassySigma1874

      He always has that nasty little smirk when he’s positioned behind Barack – he gets a good buzz off of all the smoke blowing out of Obama’s ass hole.

      13 years ago at 11:25 am
  1. carolinahaze

    Barack Obama walks into a bar with a duck.
    The bartender asks: “Where did you get the monkey”?
    Obama looks puzzled and says: “It’s a duck.”
    The bartender replies: “I was talking to the duck, nlgger.”

    13 years ago at 11:24 pm
  2. Public fratination

    A communist, a Muslim, and a terrorist walk into a bar. What does the bartender say?

    What can I get you to drink Mr. President!

    13 years ago at 12:10 am
  3. sperrysandsnow

    Not watching enough fox news to know that’s just how his face looks. TgdiM

    13 years ago at 2:51 pm