1. livingthenattylife

      Well they are girls, so yes I guess your statement is somewhat valid. Dumbass

      13 years ago at 7:25 pm
    2. PDTChattyFrat

      ^Its not our fault he doesn’t know women have these things called pussies.

      13 years ago at 1:49 pm

    This photo might be worthy if it didn’t have Phi Delta Theta letters. Might be the worst fraternity on LSU’s campus next to TKE. Always know you are a great fraternity when you except gay kids and black kids. Actually you did the tri-fecta with the gay black kid in the fraternity. Not to mention the fact they are a dry house, don’t have house parties, and tailgate at their house with a black dj. O wait did I mention the house blows more cock then the gay kids in the fraternity.

    13 years ago at 10:01 pm
    1. TheCommodore

      “Always know you are a great fraternity when you except gay kids and black kids”. Yea, avoiding the gay guy, or black guy bid generally makes you a good fraternity. Learn the difference between accept and except. You gonorrhea sniffer.

      13 years ago at 10:32 pm
    2. frocket1848

      fuck you pussy, jealous because we are coming back and stealing your recruits? Go fuck yourself.

      13 years ago at 11:09 pm