Parents' weekend. TFM

    1. i get my drinks free

      pish, that’s like an eighth of what it takes to fuel up my sport fisher…you probably feel like a GDI for posting that picture now, don’t you? Toolbag.

      14 years ago at 5:24 pm
    2. H

      That Sport Fisher isn’t doing enough to compensate for that tiny cock, so now you’ve come to a website to vent? I feel sorry for ya boss.

      14 years ago at 11:02 pm
  1. Fratrick McEnroe

    Notice the angle this was taken at so you can’t see the top of the receipt. Probably full of Smirnoff Ice, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, cheap Bourbon, and Sex on the Beach.

    14 years ago at 12:52 pm
  2. fratttin

    stick to your surf boards and Hollister cargo and board shorts california and leave the frattin to the good ole southern boys

    thank you,
    – SEC

    14 years ago at 1:37 pm
  3. 1869

    Looks like an average fraturday night bar tab for me broski, how many GDI fundraisers did it take you to pay for that?

    14 years ago at 3:12 pm
    1. 1776

      you must frat so hard if you use ‘fraturday night’ instead of a traditional saturday night. That seems like a solid dinner tab for a couple of pledge bros and parents

      14 years ago at 8:38 pm
    1. BronyUP

      As a Tennessean, I feel I can speak for the whole state (UT fans and others), FUCK YOU LANE KIFFEN, kiffen=NF GDI

      14 years ago at 10:49 am
  4. hey retard

    @fratrick mcenroe, look at the bottom…5 jack daniels…sam adams…they frat

    14 years ago at 6:04 pm
    1. NevEr sober

      Its only about 300 or so of liquor… The rest is food and side dishes. This isn’t a bar tab, its a night of food for a ton of people at a relatively expensive place.

      14 years ago at 12:49 pm