New balls that just got sent to me. Take notice of the "Test". TFM.

  1. TXsororitygirl

    I actually got this ball about a month ago and its great..called up the company and they sent me a few dozen. – TSM

    14 years ago at 3:34 pm
  2. bro

    golf = gentlemen only ladies forbidden. stop stealing balls from your dad and start sucking on some

    14 years ago at 6:43 pm
  3. Pearls for the pretty girls

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a srorostitute being good at golf a bonus when it comes to trophy-wife hunting? At least then she can hold her own and make you look good at the Ladie’s Golf Tournament at the Club. Come on now, Gentlemen!

    14 years ago at 12:34 am
  4. truegolfer

    haha too bad the “true” test balls from the factory come completely blank with no writting on them. Nice try GDI

    14 years ago at 1:50 pm
    1. Fratty Payne

      Not always. They’ll usually come in with a different type of marking to differentiate between their current and the prototype they’re testing.

      Last thing you want to do in a tourny is pull a non USGA approved prototype ball and put it in play.

      14 years ago at 1:16 pm