Gentlemen, Your Officer Candidates


It is April, and I think everyone knows what that means. Sundress season? Good point, but not what I was referring to. Seersucker season? I don’t play by those rules. I was wearing seersucker in a snowball fight months ago. Spring season for hunting for turkey? Yes, that too. Fuck it, I’ll just tell you. It’s officer elections time. Now I’m sure that many of you have already gone through the process this year, or have experience with it in the past. Which will make this column even better for you. I have compiled a list of three typical candidates you will see during elections season, and what office they are likely running for. Everything written here is incontrovertible fact, and is backed up by years of empirical research (i.e. I watched it happen a couple of times, mostly while drunk).

The Do-Gooder (President, VP, Rush Chair, Risk Manager)

Pros- This guy is all about exactly what his name says. He wants to do good things. He loves your fraternity. He wants to see it flourish. He knows that someone will have to put in long hours of behind-the-scenes bullshit that no one will ever thank you for. He’s willing to be that guy.

Cons- He’s not going to take any risks for you. This guy is by the book. He’s completely willing to sacrifice the short term fun times in favor of stable longevity. If you want to take a few pledges down to Shreveport for a few days to be your chauffeur and butler while you live it up big with a few other brothers in the Motel 6 next to the breaking-seven-different-fire-codes shithole they call a casino in that godforsaken place…do not let the Do Gooder find out. He won’t rat you out to administration, but he will make sure that your starting spot on the intramural team disappears via some ridiculous probation.

The Try-Hard (VP, Rush Chair, Social Chair)

Pros- He’s always trying to impress you. Which means that you can influence just about any decision he makes by dropping not-so-subtle hints about what would make him “cooler” in the eyes of his brothers. Slip-n-slide fueled by unicorn semen? He can do it. Not sure why you’d want it…but it can happen.

Cons- Well, first of all he’s the guy that keeps sending fucking landscape pictures to TFM featuring his Sperry’s as the focal point of the shot. I might have enjoyed that sunset on some level if some fucker’s white-ass legs weren’t screaming for attention in the foreground. But more importantly, he doesn’t have any opinions of his own. Which means that when you’re not around to whisper truths into his ear, someone else will be. And that someone else just might be a fucking idiot.

The Party Monster (Social Chair. And nothing else.)

Pros- This dude is awesome to be around. He probably goes by an altered version of his last name (Schmiddy, Hambone, Big Murph etc). He drinks more than most people you know, but he is convinced that your party scene is still somehow lacking. He will be doing everything in his power to make sure that each event, no matter how trivial, involves a multi-platinum recording artist, every girl who rates above a 7 on looks and below a 4 on crazy in your metropolitan area, and enough beer to buy a black market monkey with the recycling money (which he will).

Cons- He will blow all of your budget. I don’t care how much your dues are, or what your house endowment is, Schmiddy Murphballs will spend every fucking dime of it, probably in the first few months of his tenure in office. Will your parties be kickass? Yeah, for a while, until you don’t even have the money to buy enough 40’s for each guest to have just one. Are the stories of the epic nights worth that level of monetary commitment? Maybe (almost definitely). Doesn’t matter though, because he probably won’t get elected. The Do-Gooders would shit themselves if he did.

Every guy who has experienced the elections process is nodding his head furiously by now. Some of you fucks got elected. Some of you didn’t, and everyone else is better off for it. If you haven’t gone through this yet, just wait. You’ll be amazed at how similar your candidates are in spite of the fact that I don’t know shit about your chapter. As for my own experience with officer candidacy? Well…that’s another story for another day.

    1. TheNastyOne


      13 years ago at 11:44 am
    2. ichooseyouPikeachu

      For real, Bacon. My chapter’s circle jerks are down to 80% attendance because we don’t have any new material to FAP to. Maybe you could include some of that hentai the stories mention as illustration.

      13 years ago at 1:24 pm
    3. cah053

      ^^^^ALL OF THIS SHIT^^^^ Tha Fuck?

      …and I agree with your sentiment on those cock gobling resume padders. May they burn in hell.

      13 years ago at 2:55 pm
  1. anon7472974648

    Solid read. Let’s not forget the hardass (Pledge trainer, ritual) or the guy who has a position solely because everyone thinks giving him responsibility will yield high unintentional comedy levels (historian, alumni newsletter).

    13 years ago at 11:05 am
    1. Bronan the Barbarian

      The last one there would be me in our chapter. I know it, and embrace it. I think they get bonus points for making me Risk as well. I should be nowhere near risk management.

      13 years ago at 11:10 am
    2. beer and tits

      Wrapping guests at your party in saran wrap and calling it risk management. TFTC.

      13 years ago at 8:47 pm
    3. BossMan DubC

      Our Risk Management chair is perfect because he has the highest tolerance and is the last to leave the party.

      13 years ago at 1:08 pm
    4. Bronan the Barbarian

      Apparently signing “fuck the police” to the police was misguided on my part…

      13 years ago at 2:38 pm
    1. Too Frat To Fail

      ^If you knew anything, you’d know that it’s a “chill-to-pull,” not a “pull to chill” ratio…Geed.

      13 years ago at 11:24 am
  2. Banks McFratten

    Is it true that Sterling isn’t in a fraternity, but a “Greek Club” at a private university?

    13 years ago at 11:35 am
    1. Rutherford B_Haze

      Yes, but he implied that they haze and don’t allow women, plus he writes the best articles. So I’ll give him a pass.

      13 years ago at 11:48 am
    2. Phi Psi till I die

      I heard Sterling once raped a donkey in Tijuana for 7 dollars. And then proceeded to sacrifice a neighboring villages children to Nick Saban. Roll Damn Tide.

      13 years ago at 11:54 am
    3. Tallapoosa Snu

      I heard Sterling came upon a wild Grizzly bear and while wielding a high caliber weapon, talked it out of its attack and reignited it’s relationship with its wife.

      13 years ago at 2:13 pm
    4. BROnard Ramsey

      Sterling Cooper was once in a production of The Kind and I. Before the show, Cooper chloroforms the entire cast and slowly eats them in front of the audience for 2 hours. The production got pretty good reviews.

      13 years ago at 4:54 pm
    5. TheCommodore

      I heard that Sterling once fingered his own asshole for masturbatory purposes.

      13 years ago at 4:57 pm
    6. shooter

      Did I ever tell you about the time Sterling Cooper took me out to go get a drink with him? Anyways, we go off lookin’ for a bar and we can’t find one. Finally, Cooper takes me into a vacant lot and says, “Here we are!” Well, we stay there for a year and a half. Sure enough, someone constructed a bar around us. Well, the day they opened it, we ordered a shot, drank it and then burnt the place to the ground. Cooper yelled over the roar of the flames, “Always leave things the way you found them!”

      13 years ago at 9:06 am