1. Admiral Fratcher

      Especially young bartenders who just got their certification to pay for their illegitimate children. They don’t understand what the word “neat” means.

      13 years ago at 11:39 am
  1. carolinahaze

    What kind of queer drink are you ordering that requires explaining to the bartender?

    13 years ago at 12:10 pm
  2. McCoy the Third

    This is NF. Going to a place nice enough to where you don’t have to tell the bartenders how to make drinks because they aren’t GDIs. TFM.

    13 years ago at 12:30 pm
    1. Admiral Fratcher

      Goodness boy, aren’t you something clueless. The regular bartenders at NYCC and Fisher’s Island Club are GDI’s and you cannot find a better Old Fashioned anywhere.

      13 years ago at 12:39 pm
    2. ItsFunnyCuzHesFrat

      Do the brothers in your chapter have aspirations to become successful bartenders?

      13 years ago at 9:13 pm
  3. Fraternity Lifestyle

    Old Detroit – Canadian Club and Vernors
    Trying to teach that to some bartenders, so I guess I’m telling them how to make my drink.

    13 years ago at 12:49 pm