Buying the seat in front of you at the game so you can put your feet up. TFM.

  1. funnymotherfucker

    Not buying the seat in front of you at a game and kicking the shit out of the person’s head in front of you. TFTC.

    13 years ago at 1:50 pm
  2. BamaForRomney

    Ok good. With this post and the other one today, I think I now know how to be fratty at baseball games

    13 years ago at 2:25 pm
  3. fratiousmaximus07

    I don’t know what it is about your comment but it makes me want to roundhouse you in the face

    13 years ago at 3:37 pm
  4. superwayne

    I’ve never had to do this. When I go to games, I am in the front row, so I don’t have the option of buying the one in front of me.

    13 years ago at 6:36 pm