1. Teddy__Brosevelt

    What is it with people thinking these clothing company logos are cool (aside from the clothes themselves)? Wear the clothes, but don’t fucking shove it down everyone’s throat.
    It just screams “try-hard.”

    Also, jello shots are for girls.

    13 years ago at 11:22 am
    1. Teddy__Brosevelt

      Y’all need to calm down a little. And yes, I even own a few of their shirts/shorts.
      However, the problem I have is that people assume that shaping something into a whale, polo guy, etc. automatically makes it fratty (it doesn’t). It just screams “I need everyone to know just how cool I am.”

      13 years ago at 2:22 pm
      1. Cargos Are for Geeds

        Teddy, the amount of words you are saying are contradictory of the “Speak softly and carry a big stick” theory. I believe you are a fake.

        13 years ago at 4:22 pm
    2. TheHymenRemover

      teddy, the vineyard vine whale logo is FaF. also, your penis rivals the size of a Vienna sausage. that is all.

      13 years ago at 4:11 pm
    3. Teddy Brosevelt

      I must have blacked out cause I have zero recollection of leaving those comments. Wait a minute….

      13 years ago at 6:35 pm
    4. fromthenorth

      Teddy is exactly right. There’s nothing cool about this picture and all those gay fucking coolers people post pictures of with pink VV whales and Southern Tide fish painted on them. You’re not sponsored by them, so either take it easy and just wear their clothing, or post the shit on TSM.

      13 years ago at 7:05 pm
    5. TakeALap

      Teddy is right. Stop trying to hard to show people your name brands. That’s what black people do, and that’s what women do. Just wear them with class, don’t show it off… new money queers.

      13 years ago at 2:00 pm