In my country they would go crazy for these 3, not so much the one on the bottom right

    13 years ago at 7:40 am
  2. funnymotherfucker

    Holy shit! How are they lifting that whale in the black bikini bottoms?

    13 years ago at 7:44 am
    1. Pee Buttermore

      Worlds strongest man competition currently being held at the bottom right.

      13 years ago at 5:36 pm
    2. HankRearden

      It looks like a fairly scrawny guy is holding the bottom right up with one hand… Either she doesn’t weigh that much, or she’s on her way down.

      13 years ago at 3:54 pm
    1. FAF_swagg_polo

      I’d like to put purple bikinis thighs on my shoulders and lick her butt hole till the cows come home

      13 years ago at 8:04 am
    1. CocainUsingSexAddict

      IDK how “yum” sounded when you said it in your mind, but I do know that ^this sentence reads like a gay boy wrote it.

      13 years ago at 8:49 am
    2. RRGB1984

      So are you disagreeing on the potentially delicious rump of said “Miss Purple Bikini Bottoms?” Oh, and Cocaine is not spelled “Cocain.” Get your mind right, son.

      13 years ago at 9:33 am