Ex-USC Defensive Back Lights Apartment on Fire Because God Told Him To

Former standout USC defensive back Kevin Ellison was arrested on federal arson charges after setting his apartment on fire. Initially Ellison told police he was just smoking in bed. However he neglected to tell them it was a marijuana filled cigar (what the kids on the street call a “blunt”), and that instead of accidentally starting the fire he purposely ignited the bed.

Fortunately Ellison has an alibi, apparently whatever was in that cigar was laced with holy water because Ellison told police that “God told him to do it,” start the fire that is. After starting the blaze Ellison jumped out of his third story apartment to the ground below and stuck the landing. His only injury was smoke inhalation. Thankfully his injuries weren’t ironic enough to be harmful. One can only hope that the “Fuck-it-I’ll-try-it” guy at every house doesn’t get a hold of the marijuana that authorities (and by that I mean me) have dubbed the “Burning Bush.”