Why America Needs a Real Greek TV Show
In 1978, National Lampoon’s Animal House electrified the world with its outrageously hilarious caricature of fraternity life in the 1960’s. The film has thrown generation after generation into fits of uncontrollable laughter, making Greeks and independents alike chortle with satisfaction. Fast forward 34 years to 2012. While one would think the stranger-than-fiction stories of Greek hilarity would have only become more prevalent through the decades, this is sadly not the case.
In our modern era, only two TV-shows have even attempted to touch the hysterical potential of a fraternity based television show.
The first, Greek, did nothing more than paint us as a large group of soap opera-esque pussies who have nothing better to do than fight over bitchy-but-attractive women and get in water gun fights with other fraternities. Sure, we have our fair share of attractive female interaction, but with all of the other aspects Greek life has to offer it seems like we’re being sold short. Not to mention the fact that the show’s creator is a certified GDI, who refused to rush despite attending the Greek-heavy University of Texas in Austin. Also, a show about fraternities has as much of a place on a network called ABC “Family” as full penetration does on the Disney Channel.
Another representation was the short-lived TBS series, Glory Daze. As with Greek, this show failed to truly emulate our experiences, trying to take what should be R-rated material and turn it PG-13. While the show featured some impressive guest stars and the occasional decent episode, its happy-go-lucky portrayal of fraternity life was axed after a mere 10 episodes.
It’s clear that these prior attempts didn’t demonstrate the essence of what it means to be in a Fraternity. With endless possibilities for hours of entertaining hijinks, these creators went the soft route and chose instead to focus on the teenage girl demographic.
When you think of the possibilities an accurate Greek-based television show could offer, they seem limitless. Off the top of my head I can think of ten real-life stories that would be more entertaining than most of the polished feces that airs today. Such is the case with almost any of the 400,000+ current fraternity and sorority members in the United States of America. Throw in the debauchery of tailgating and the “Zero Fucks Given” attitude on a fraternity roadtrip, and you’re looking at the potential for television gold.
Like Animal House so many years ago, the rambunctious dream that is fraternity life has the potential to be enjoyed by millions. The current and past Greeks of the world would certainly enjoy seeing themselves painted in a positive way, as opposed to the vaginally inclined attempts we’ve become too used to seeing. Or worse yet, as the easily caricatured villains that so many shitty, lazy screenwriters have used us for. Even those that didn’t go Greek would still be captivated to see what we’re all about, and would undoubtedly be able to relate with their own college experiences (even if theirs’ were significantly less fun).
For too long have we been cast in the shadow of misleading examples. In fact, I would go so far to call it taxing on Greek life as a whole. Like our forefathers before us, we are suffering from a form of “taxation without representation,” and once again our only choice is a revolution.
It’s time to spread the word; right now all we can get is a Greek Days of Our Lives, when a show about us really needs to be in the vein of The League or Workaholics. Hell I’d even settle for a mocumentary style show similar to The Office or Parks and Recreation, if done correctly. While the fraternity culture has grown and changed in the past few decades, we have nothing to cling to but a 34-year-old film. It’s time for the Frat TV Revolution, because we’re better than everyone else and it’s about time the world knew it.
Use the hashtag #FratTVRevolution to spread the word, because let’s be honest: it’s about time they stop making us look like shit.
13 years ago at 2:57 pmGo away
13 years ago at 9:51 pmSECOND
13 years ago at 2:58 pm13 years ago at 3:10 pm
13 years ago at 4:34 pmThat turd is fucking huge.
13 years ago at 3:36 pm^long, not huge.
13 years ago at 4:01 pmHBO or bust
13 years ago at 2:59 pmSkinemax
13 years ago at 3:03 pm^ I believe HBO would be one of the few appropriate networks that would venue a “true to life” Greek series. After all the adult themes of Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, and Hung, among others, it really is the only one that would work.
13 years ago at 3:04 pm^
13 years ago at 3:05 pmWriters room – “I want to see titties at least once in every episode!”
13 years ago at 3:06 pmHBO is where it’s at.
13 years ago at 3:11 pma quarter through this article all I could think was HBO. ^^^^ you forgot Entourage
13 years ago at 3:49 pmI completely agree that a show like this could only be shown by a network like HBO or Showtime but my major concern with a relativly uncencored version of the Greek community would that that unless helmed by a very talented group of writers and an even better director (I would like David Fincher personally) that the public at large would be appauled by what is shown is this series. The Greek community already struggles against enough negative sterotypes as it is. I just don’t think people would understand the Greek lifestyle. Being a Greek is like being in the Marine Corps or the Army, the public at large just doesn’t really understand the ethos that we live by and something like this if produced poorly would hurt the Greek community.
13 years ago at 4:26 pmStars has Spartacus. Ancient Greek life. TFM.
13 years ago at 4:26 pm^ something was done here
13 years ago at 8:39 pmSHIVA KAMINI SOMA KANDARKRAM!
13 years ago at 3:02 pm^
13 years ago at 3:04 pm^^ His vinegar strokes
13 years ago at 3:16 pm^^
13 years ago at 3:17 pmShiva blasting. TFM.
13 years ago at 3:18 pmWhy is this sand stomping diaper head here…?
13 years ago at 3:30 pmGod damn it Taco
13 years ago at 3:54 pm^ This guy.
13 years ago at 3:56 pmRuxin. TFM
13 years ago at 9:19 pmSOMETIMES WHEN I PUKE I SHIT!
13 years ago at 9:40 pm^this guy
13 years ago at 1:49 am^^ he probably also gets a fear boner
13 years ago at 11:50 am^^^Bobbum man is going to get him with his equipmunk.
13 years ago at 12:59 pmFunny you say this, Stufffratpeoplelike, I am currently working on a pilot episode of fraternity life, depicted like it should. I am hoping to receive enthusiasm from the online Greek community and TFM itself. My recent alter ego as a “drank-himself retarded frat star” was well received and hope TFM users well respond likewise to my pilot. It might just be a sneak peek on one of my favorite characters. -2ironking
13 years ago at 3:12 pmyou motherfucking small ballsack f.a.g.got
13 years ago at 3:24 pmhoooooly shit.
13 years ago at 3:44 pmYou have my support.
13 years ago at 3:59 pm^,^^ Someone is new here.
13 years ago at 5:31 pmI’m not new, it’s just so weird to see 2ironking NOT as a “drank-himself retarded fratstar”
13 years ago at 9:17 pmFuck it. Im in.
13 years ago at 12:18 amI agree 100%. If they could have solid script writing like the league, with maybe the feel of Blue Mountain State (substituting the football team with Greek life) that would be wildly successful. As far as which TV Station goes, it would have to be either HBO, FX, Spike, or maybe Comedy Central, since any others wouldn’t do it justice
13 years ago at 3:12 pm^All that Blue Mountain State needs is letters to be a Fraternity.
13 years ago at 3:24 pmThad for Pledge Master
13 years ago at 3:48 pmCOCAINNNNEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
13 years ago at 3:52 pmHBO or Showtime. Why sugar coat it with the lack of titties?
13 years ago at 3:59 pmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDS6izhk1ZE
13 years ago at 5:47 pm^^^^^ I can’t remember what they are, but there are letters on the Goat House.
13 years ago at 8:42 pm^ I found the answer to that one. Sigma Delta. But why are they there? there is probably some dialog that is said early on about why the goat house has letters.
13 years ago at 5:24 am^ the “football frat”. no they never bothered explaining but it’s pretty fucking obvious
13 years ago at 10:01 am“Its called hazing! Look it up!”
13 years ago at 7:37 pmNot sure but if you pay attention I think they flip the letters when every they are partying and then flip them when they aren’t Can’t remember though.
13 years ago at 3:51 pmI’d like to see a Blue Mountain State style greek show. You forgot to mention American Pie Beta House which really isn’t too bad.
13 years ago at 3:14 pm^That movie is fucking horrible you geed
13 years ago at 3:17 pm^^ Beta house was somewhat amusing, but they didn’t haze their pledges. NF
13 years ago at 3:22 pm^^Geed just game himself away.
13 years ago at 3:25 pmCompared to the television shows, it really isn’t too bad.
13 years ago at 3:32 pmBeta House was fucking miserable.
13 years ago at 9:42 pmBeta House and the movies like it are the reason geeds have this impression of Greek life
13 years ago at 10:15 pm^That website is fucking retarded. It says drop the cargo shorts like any real greek man would be caught dead wearing them. It should be titled how to not look like a fucking geed.
13 years ago at 7:22 amBeta house fucking rules
13 years ago at 12:03 amThe Ders is fucking FAF/TFTC. God I love that show.
13 years ago at 3:39 pmAgreed
13 years ago at 4:22 pmI’ve been trying to get a TFM posted about him but no luck so far
13 years ago at 12:01 amYUUUUPP
13 years ago at 3:49 pmWhat is up for auction here dude? Who are you bidding up now?
13 years ago at 12:44 amWhy don’t you guys (TFM) start a T.V. series. Anyone else think that the Fratfellas video could be turned into something pretty fucking cool?
13 years ago at 3:55 pmNo, not really. That video was somewhat amusing, but it was way to cheesy to be on T.V. A real Fraternity Television show needs to be funny but also needs to be able to be taken seriously.
13 years ago at 4:16 pm^This
13 years ago at 4:22 pmI like where this guy’s head is at
13 years ago at 4:24 pmSpeaking of which why have we not seen Fratfellas II? They said it was done…I have been waiting on the edge of my seat for months. It’s ridiculous.
13 years ago at 6:39 pm^ I’m much more anxious to hear SECGreek’s cool story.
13 years ago at 9:12 pmPOST THE FUCKING PICTURE!
13 years ago at 9:42 pmAll Bacon cares about now is the news. He doesn’t love us anymore.
13 years ago at 1:34 pm^^^ SECgreek still hasn’t told the second chapter of his gloriously shitty story? What the fucking fuck? That rat bastard.
13 years ago at 9:04 pm