Breaking: Rapper Snoop Dog Smokes Pot

Rapper Snoop Doggy Dog was arrested for attempting to enter the country of Norway with marijuana. This will certainly come as a shock to the majority of Snoop’s devout church going following. Many of the Dogg Father’s fans have come out since the arrest saying that they have “suspected drug use for years” but that the cold hard evidence is shocking to all and will undoubtedly be a hard pill to swallow for many of the Dogg’s friends and family. Where and how Snoop obtained the cannabis is unknown, but the drug’s origins will certainly be further investigated.

It’s always hard to hear a story like this one and not wonder how it reflects on our nation’s pot-loving culture. If even respected philanthropists like Snoop Dog are smoking pot in this day and age only God knows who else could be. It’s hard to measure exactly what effect this will have on the rapper’s young and impressionable audience, but it isn’t too far fetched to assume that many of Snoop’s fans will be curious to try marijuana after hearing that their idol dabbles in the demon herb. Snoop also received an $8600 fine for carrying more than the legal limit of cash into Norway. Lord only knows what the cash was for. The arrest has certainly been a serious wake up call for the nation. It begs the question, who is the real Snoop Dogg? Is he the man we’ve looked up to for the better part of the last two decades or are there other dark secrets he may be hiding.

[image via E!]

    1. Captain Jack Sperry

      ^Yes! Some good ol’ satirical articles like this one would spice things up a bit.

      12 years ago at 5:08 pm
    2. MightBePike

      Indeed, I would be up for whole articles about total frat moves that may or may not have actually happened.

      12 years ago at 11:59 pm