FAIL FRIDAY: Fireworks Safety

Ten real submissions, eleven photos, and two videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Playing Willow Smith’s “Whip My Hair” at a children’s cancer ward. TFTC.

Playing that song anywhere is wrong, but you just crossed the line.

I shot my uncle that touched me when I was little with a Roman candle and took out his fucking eye! TFM.

Revenge is a dish best served with fireworks.

It’s not rape if it’s underwater. TFM.

Wow, I did not know that. This is a real game-changer. Thanks counselor!

I like my women like I like my scotch, 18 years old and mixed up with coke. TFM.

What kind of trailer trash retard mixes Coke with scotch?

Hey I just got here, and this is crazy, but here’s my TFM, so post it maybe. TFM.

I hate you so very, very much.

Getting into “I’m not pressing the ‘next’ button” wars with naked dudes on chat roulette. TFM.
–DeVry University

The kids at DeVry University are fratting hard week in and week out. The rest of you should take notes.

Bill Gates sliced his 5-iron so hard that he ended up in my fairway. I asked him why he named his company after his dick. TFM.


Putting your flaccid penis into geed’s cargo pockets. TFM.

While the mental image is hilarious, this is just fucking weird.

Had a shacker last night. I sleep walked and peed on her face. She screamed. I woke up and said, “Does it taste like America?” TFM.

You will live a short and lonely life.

Celebrating the Fourth of July by Eiffel Towering your half-French cousin with your dad. TFM.

God Bless the USA.

If you want to ensure potential employers take you seriously, get ear gauges.

I don’t know what’s going on here, but the guy on the right scares me.

“Beds are taken? Fuck it, I’ll fold myself up on this table.”

I would legitimately not talk shit to these guys.

He’s way TPTC.

Apparently this was his move out day. That’s not a good feeling.

Rabies dick. TFTC.


No, but folding your hands under your biceps makes you look more yolked in pictures.

Look at this fucking goober.


The video that has the entire country laughing at Texas A&M:

They deleted it from YouTube, but here’s a link to the original video.

Unrivaled collection of fireworks fails:

Bar Rafaeli Chaser:

If you missed last week’s Fail Friday, CLICK HERE.

    1. yourfavgeed

      I want to slice you open with a disposed Campbell’s Soup can top, sodomize your eye socket with a sternal saw, and play around in your blood like I was a fucking 3 year old in a sandbox.

      12 years ago at 9:05 am
    2. StraightUpEverclear

      ^ i can’t imagine what you would want to do to someone who actually did something offensive

      12 years ago at 9:14 am
    3. Captain Jack Sperry

      ^^^Probably trying to get a shout out from Dorm or the Intern on Twitter.

      12 years ago at 9:18 am
    4. yourfavgeed

      Will you guys excuse me? I have to let my dog out. I can tell by the way he’s pacing that he has to take a Captain Jack Sperry column.

      12 years ago at 9:40 am
  1. Tony Fratana

    That last picture has to be one of the most embarrassing things I’ve seen on this site.

    12 years ago at 7:25 am
    1. Self Broclaimed

      ^^I feel like the guy that writes for that website is just a younger fraternity version of DadBoner

      12 years ago at 12:21 pm
    1. Frat A Hayek

      “ravishing” as a verb? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

      You got some ground to cover before becoming that future leader, huh?

      12 years ago at 1:43 pm
    2. How is it this is the first time people have seen Bar Refaeli? She’s been hotter than Kate Upton for a long time.

      12 years ago at 10:12 pm
    1. Fratlem Brotrotters

      Well I knew they did at my school. This just confirms that they must suck everywhere and might even rival that of pike and tke.

      12 years ago at 7:45 am
    2. pkp

      We may legitimately have one of the most random fraternity’s nationwide as far as individual chapters go. However, this is only like numbers 4 and 5 on Fail Friday, so shut the hell up.

      12 years ago at 12:31 pm
    3. LEGENwaitforitDARY

      ^^ I’m sure your fraternity is frat as fuck, right?? I bet you guys don’t have any shitty chapters, you fucking try-hard.

      12 years ago at 3:42 pm
    4. PiKappaPhly

      my chapter itself is not “frat as fuck.” and im sure pikapp has a chapter somewhere that is not that great, what fraternity doesnt? so why dont you get off of how i met your mother’s cock and come up with a better name.

      12 years ago at 7:03 pm
    5. Wayne Fratsky

      ^Not helping your case by refusing to capitalize correctly. And Pi Kapps are try hard flip-floppers everywhere.

      12 years ago at 5:29 am
    6. PiKappaPhly

      youre a try-hard wayne. this isnt goddamn class, i dont need to capitalize shit

      12 years ago at 6:00 pm
    7. Wayne Fratsky

      No, you are a try hard, bud. Go back to you’re bottom-feeding social club before you get severely butthurt.

      12 years ago at 6:13 pm
    1. brostock

      Logged in just to confirm that the intern is indeed required by TFM law to post the butt pee pic. Seriously, you can’t mention that kind of shit and just expect us to forget about it or let it go. You brought this on yourself, asswipe, now post the goddamn buttpee pic.

      12 years ago at 7:23 am
  2. Hazing Actives

    I nearly cried when I read the scotch/coke post. How dare you, motherfucker! On a happier note, Bar Rafaeli and people getting fucked up by fireworks is a great way to start the day.

    12 years ago at 8:49 am
    1. SinceBirth

      I would have thought that the utter failure of the 15 second Big Bay Boom would have made this column… Over quarter million dollar fails aren’t nice to municipal budgets.

      12 years ago at 11:00 am
    2. EQK

      I mean lets be honest there are worse things in the world than coked up 18 year olds. Like the holocaust or Obama. ROMNEY 2012

      12 years ago at 9:44 pm
    3. Wow, good one there, champ. Comparing the holocaust to Obama. You have to be the lowest piece of shit on this entire site, you fucking noob. Its people like you that give the south a bad name. Go hang yourself.

      12 years ago at 10:14 pm
  3. Born Wearing Sperrys

    I think that kid who folded himself on the table probably does yoga.

    12 years ago at 9:24 am
  4. LEGENwaitforitDARY

    Why the fuck is the Wu Tang Clan wearing my letters? I blame you, California.

    12 years ago at 9:59 am