In Hindsight, California’s “Rafting Gone Wild” Still a Pretty Good Idea

California has managed to fuck a lot of societal things up which, in my opinion, somewhat tarnishes its ‘dream state’ aura. It’s just kind of hard to enjoy a gorgeous sunset on the beach when thousands of filthy hippies are rolling around on longboards whilst simultaneously having the most smug and least intellectual verbal circle jerk ever recorded. But I know it’s not always fair to generalize an entire population based on a minority (majority?) of backwards fuck ups, and apparently a group of Californians are aiming to alter their misconstrued image.

I don’t care how bonkers your Saturday was, there is no way it topped the Saturday of the 3,500 people who attended the 2nd annual Rafting Gone Wild event on the American River near Sacramento. There really is no complicated way of breaking down this scene, literally over three thousand hormone charged individuals got plastered drunk, whipped out their tubes, and raged like there was no tomorrow.

However, to the complete surprise of everyone, the party scene didn’t last long as tempers started to flare. What had started out as the perfect booze-induced Saturday afternoon blackout turned into a massive anything goes free-for-all brawl. The scene was pure chaos, the eloquent beyond her years 20-year-old Marisa Taylor describes the action the best:

“There was so many intoxicated people, it’s like ridiculous.”

There you have it. Not just ridiculous, LIKE ridiculous. An observing Park Ranger adds a little more detail:

“It started out fairly reasonable, but as they day went on, the drunkenness and the fights increased with them,” Randy Lewis, a Sacramento County park ranger, added.

Wait, wait, wait, hold the fucking phone, is this meathead implying that ALCOHOL played a part in this??

I wasn’t there to witness the action, and have yet to see any video footage of the brawl, but from what I’ve read, things went down about like the News Team battle royale from Anchorman. At first there was as an argument here and a rogue punch there but that soon turned into the crowd hurling rocks like an angry Afghan mob chasing a woman with an exposed ankle. Then everyone realized they were holding a pretty effective weapon in their own hands and started to knock the fuck out of each other with raft paddles. I have to admit, I’ve always wanted to wield a double-sided paddle Darth Maul style, and can only imagine the satisfaction felt at cracking a drunken rafter over the head.

I sort of doubt that this event will be held next year, as apparently the same thing happened last year in even grander fashion:

Law enforcement officials had been bracing for rafting to go wild for a while. About 100 people were injured during last year’s “Rafting Gone Wild” event, held on the same river in August, and 10 people were arrested.

It really would be a shame if Rafting Gone Wild is banned, as drinking dangerous amounts of alcohol while floating on the river is a great American pastime. But I guess when paddles are wielded like 15th Century war maces, things escalate quickly.

I mean things really get out of hand.

  1. Fratlem Brotrotters

    “like an angry Afghan mob chasing a woman with an exposed ankle.”

    That was great.

    12 years ago at 9:33 am
    1. FrattinSince1855

      ^Theirs an island halfway down the float in the middle of the river everyone stops at to rage. Usually a DJ sets up there as well. So many titties reveal their glory to the world there. Only about 40 days on the countdown.

      12 years ago at 11:01 am
    2. Proper Fratire

      C’mon guys. The concept behind there/their/they’re is really not that hard…

      12 years ago at 11:04 am
    3. FrattinSince1855

      ^Apologies, I’m lacing them up. Just woke up and am a bit out of it needless to say.

      12 years ago at 11:06 am
  2. FratMuscle

    Several good references in this article, but the best part was the overall article pointing out that California fucked up something awesome, as usual.

    12 years ago at 10:43 am
    1. EnterpriseRent_a_Bro

      Frat Muscle? dude you sound like you are super fratty, what state you from Fratabama? LOL. Geed.

      12 years ago at 9:34 pm
  3. EnterpriseRent_a_Bro

    ohhh wow the south is sooo kewl. What do ya’ll do!? Have shitty humid weather, lots of obese people, and lose in civil wars? Sounds awesome. North > South. California > your shitty state. I reckon.

    12 years ago at 9:31 pm
  4. sirfratstoomuch4

    This event was put together by a bunch of Geeds. Not worthy of a TFM News post. The girl host is fuckable but otherwise this is a complete waste of space.

    12 years ago at 12:30 am
  5. SmallTownKid

    Something was done with that last line. It wasn’t done exactly verbatim, but it was done. Tip O’ The Hat, Cap’n Jack

    12 years ago at 12:17 pm