Bad Week for Men’s Genitalia

The family jewels are the most sensitive part of a man’s body. There are always protective measures made by any man to ensure the safety of this area. Despite this, it is always hilarious to see a nut-shot or accident involving another man’s nether regions.

Recently, a 36 year-old Oklahoma native was digging around his house when he found a firearm hidden away. Naturally, the first step is to make sure it is not loaded, the safety is on, and then to investigate the gun. Upon further inspection, it was clear that this was the man’s own personal gun that he had hid.

Not sure if the gun was working, the man checked the gun out and accidentally shot himself in his genitals. Immediately after racing to the hospital, police greeted him with a warrant for his arrest. The man had previously been convicted on a number of crimes and is not allowed to carry a gun due to his parole terms. He was taken into custody shortly after treatment.

Even more bizarre though, is a story coming out of China. After being suspected of cheating with another man’s wife, a group of burglars entered the home of a 41 year-old migrant worker. These burglars were not looking to steal electronics or money, but rather the man’s penis. Rescue workers tried to locate the missing item, but concluded the attackers took it.

“They put something over my head and pulled down my trousers and then they ran off. I was so shocked I didn’t feel a thing – then I saw I was bleeding and my penis was gone.”

If there’s anything to learn for all the guys out there, it’s always wear a cup and always look after the little guy.

  1. ice cold frat

    “After being suspected of cheating with another man’s wife, a group of burglars…” So it was a gangbang?

    12 years ago at 12:37 pm