25 Reasons GDIs Hate Greeks (And Why They’re All Bullshit)

1. “I don’t want to buy my friends.”
We didn’t buy friends, we bought better friends.

2. “You guys do all that gay hazing.”
You are a misinformed pussy.

3. “Frat guys are so fucking elitist.”
Not elitist. Elite.

4. “You’re just slaves to the system.”
With the unbelievable amount of partying and unprotected sex we can have, I’m pretty okay with this system.

5. “They always show up late to the class I TA for, and laugh every time I use the word “parallel.”
Is there any way this class could come with subtitles?

6. “They would have made me cut my hair.”
Granted, you are an Art History major, but at some point you’re going to have to stop looking like an escaped orangutan and become a respectable member of society.

7. “Their shorts are so short, and have so few pockets. I bet they can’t even fit a backup graphing calculator in there.”
Two..graphing…calculators? Moving on.

8. “They walk so slow on campus. How are they ever on time without a longboard or at least a Razor scooter?”
I lay sticks in the middle of the sidewalks for people like you. I hope you get a concussion.

9. “Sorority girls are all bimbo sluts with no personalities.”
…who give great blowjobs. I see no problem here.

10. “Who would willingly be someone’s bitch for a whole semester?”
One semester of work for 7+ of booze-laden insanity, complete with free indentured servitude. You don’t know much about investments, do you?

11. “They act like they help so much with their philanthropies, but really only go there to get drunk.”
I’ve seen millions of dollars donated to charity through Greek life in four short years. You play shitty “Oasis” covers on a shadowy corner for spare change on Tuesday nights.

12. “They always give me dirty looks when I ask questions in the last minute of class.”
We’ve got beers to drink. Handle your endless supply of stupidity on your own time, not ours.

13. “They walk around like they own the place.”
We pretty much do.

14. “They visit after-hours on the all-female floor, and draw vulgar pictures on my RA whiteboard.”
What was I supposed to do, take the freshman back to my place?

15. “I only see them in the library a day or two before the test, but they always score higher than me.”
Let’s just say I’m thankful there aren’t any performance enhancing drug tests in college.

16. “They always do their work at the last minute for group projects.”
Deal with it. Besides, somebody has to present the thing, and it sure as hell isn’t going to be you.

17. “They use chewing tobacco during intramural softball games. This is a tobacco free campus!”
How else are we supposed to make beating Team Cargo Shorts by twenty exciting?

18. “Every time I play Progressive Death Metal at the bar one of them skips it for some shitty classic rock.”
That is not drinking music. That is “I probably murder babies in my free time” music. Find a different bar.

19. “I asked one to bum an American Spirit at the bar, and he looked at me like I was retarded.”
You are.

20. “They’re always so loud and obnoxious at restaurants.”
Sorry to interrupt your date with your grandmother…wait, that’s your bleeding mascara skin-bag of a girlfriend.

21. “They have huge barbecues every football game. Think of all the poor, dead, cows.
Poor, dead, and absolutely delicious cows.

22. “They always walk in the middle of our ultimate frisbee games. Come on, guys, Spirit of the Game!”
The minute you mention the national rules for your game of disc throwing under-athleticism is the moment I realize I shouldn’t take you seriously.

23. “They bend the bills of all their hats AND take the stickers off.”
You are not a rapper. If you don’t take the stickers off your hat it’s going to look like you stole it.

24. “They wear t-shirts with pockets. Who needs a pocket on a t-shirt?”
It’s where I keep the amount of fucks I give. Looks like it’s empty.

25. “I get drunk plenty, and we have awesome parties. I don’t need a fraternity to have fun.”
While you’re 1 and 1/2 Pabst Blue Ribbon kegger was a legendary rager I’m sure, you clearly don’t know what you’re missing.

    1. KateUptonsFratDaddy

      Such an original column, I’ve never seen any of these before….

      Also- ultimate frisbee, while NF, is far from “under-athleticism”… Whatever that means.

      12 years ago at 3:18 pm
    1. Fratent Pending

      #20 “sorry to interrupt you are date with you are grandmother”-yea sounds good, take a lap.

      #25 is fucked though.

      12 years ago at 12:01 am
  1. The_Frat_Rat

    The best reason for being in a frat:

    1:30a.m your hammered (ofcourse, the day doesn’t have to be specific) in the local bar/club/whorehouse. Your on your 5 (6th?) whiskey-Sprite and things are looking good with an drunk attractive Alpha Pi Cum In My Eye. You make your move and BAM! A drunken barRat/meat head has better plans for you. He’s in your face and gives you the ‘come get some push’. You politely roll up your sleeves, adjust your croakies and calmly sip your drink.

    Because you know the exact moment that assclown makes a move on you, you have approx. 17 brothers around you just waiting to beat the shit out of you. Your brothers may not even like you, but they damn well will have your back.

    12 years ago at 4:33 pm
    1. The_Frat_Rat

      ahem, “beat the shit out of him” excuse me I got too caught up in the moment

      12 years ago at 4:34 pm
    2. FratmasterFlex14

      So what you’re saying is that you’re not very liked within your house.

      12 years ago at 4:34 pm
    3. Bronan the Barbarian

      And who better to run interference for you at the bars than a brother? Nobody.

      12 years ago at 4:40 pm
  2. SperryPotter

    I don’t pay for friends, or for better friends. My dues go towards social events, housing, food, etc. I’ll check with my accountant but I’m pretty sure none of that money is allocated towards friends.

    12 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. I am drot nunk

      I always tell geeds this. I also include the fact that our money goes towards alcohol for GDI’s to drink during our very seldom open parties.

      12 years ago at 9:20 pm
    2. DrFratlove

      Best comeback remains to be “Doesn’t WoW/Xbox Live have a subscription fee?”

      12 years ago at 10:07 pm
  3. BamaForRomney

    #9: They may be bimbos, but sorority girls are still hotter and have better personalities than any GDI girl.

    12 years ago at 5:33 pm
    1. Checking my sources now, but unoffically I’d say there’s about an 87% chance something was done here.

      12 years ago at 1:05 pm
    1. PhiGamma

      idk, but hopefully he isn’t talking about black sabath. I’ll fucking cut him.

      12 years ago at 8:48 pm
    2. Bronan the Barbarian

      I actually didn’t know progressive death metal was a thing, and I actually listen to some metal.

      Apparently, it’s Explosions in the Sky if they had vocals and screamed them.

      12 years ago at 10:46 am