A House Divided: Juuls Vs Traditionalists

Practically every morning’s wake up call in my fraternity house is the same; the sun shines through my window, music blasts from a few doors down, birds chirp and two brothers can be heard arguing about finishing someone’s Juul pod from all corners of the house. Echoes of “What the fuck?” and “I know you were hitting my pod so Venmo me five you dickhead,” pierce the morning air as other brothers come running to the scene to see what’s going on and try to capitalize off some poor bastard’s need for pods. As half the house runs to weigh in on the Juul commotion the other half dons their finest robes stolen from previous formal hotels and head out the front door. This group is known in the house as the “traditionalists.”

The traditionalists scowl and shake their heads as they pass the scene of the Juul crime. Rather than get caught up in the “Robot cock drama,” the traditionalists grab their Marlboro Reds and Copenhagen long cut and head out front to the bench to enjoy their morning binge while casually rating every female that passes by. Once the traditionalists re-enter the house for the next hour before their next trip to the porch they are met with a barrage of jeers from the Juulers. “Good luck getting laid with mouth cancer, Scott. Tom, you smell like you spent four weeks smoking and playing penny slots in Atlantic City.” This ribbing is met with retorts of “I hope that douche flute blows up in your mouth, enjoy your fruit-flavored tobacco, pussy.”

Even after the real arguments end, the war never stops. There is incessant back and forth debating that Juuls are actually just the same thing as cigarettes and that chewing is a surefire way to lose all of your teeth and never feel the warmth of a woman again. Regardless of the never ending disputes, the respective sides of the war are unwavering. The Juul team continues flicking their pods and begging for chargers while the cig team makes the great migration to the front porch at least once an hour unless they’re drunk. In that case, you’ll find them smoking anywhere in the house. Both the Juulers and the traditionalists are certain that their way of ingesting nicotine and carcinogens is the best way.

Possibly the greatest mystery behind this war is how it all began. No single brother can mark a date that the animosity began. While sides of the great battle are set in stone, those fighting for their choice of tobacco can hardly even remember why they picked their side. Was it the Parish they were born in? Was it their parents’ income? Nobody knows, but the Juul vs traditionalist divide will only continue to widen.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

  1. jizzrag69v2

    Cigarettes, dip, and Juuls are for poors. I smoke Gurkha Black Dragon cigars. Jeff Lurie gave me a box last night to thank me for passing the Philly Special down to Doug. That’s what friends do. Rich friends, anyway, which means none of you losers have ever had the pleasure of receiving a really expensive gift for helping out a bud.

    7 years ago at 3:12 pm
    1. BuschLattesFTW

      This kid won’t give an actual address because he is so poor he couldn’t afford to go to college. So to compensate he created this persona

      7 years ago at 4:13 pm
      1. jizzrag69v2

        Oh look! When Loserboy was watching the game at Chili’s with the other poors, he spent his time making a bunch of new accounts so he could downvote me and upvote himself! Good for you, Loserboy! The special needs school that you ride the short bus to has taught you how to use the internet!

        7 years ago at 10:15 pm
      2. BuschLattesFTW

        Still won’t give an address. That’s cause this kid is a 22 year old virgin who couldn’t afford to go to college and has been working at McDonald’s since high school. How’s that $1.50 pay raise going?

        7 years ago at 1:20 pm
      3. jizzrag69v2

        Here’s an address for you, Loserboy:
        8225 Kingston Pike in Knoxville aka where you work. I’ll be there tonight on your break to knock your teeth in.

        7 years ago at 2:38 pm
      4. jizzrag69v2

        I just spoke with Loserboy’s manager. He confirmed that Loserboy is working there tonight and that he will give him a 15 break so that I can knock his teeth in. The manager asked one favor: that I let him kick Loserboy in the nuts after I finish with him. He said Loserboy is the worst dishwasher he’s ever had.

        7 years ago at 3:06 pm
      5. jizzrag69v2

        Well it went down just like I knew it would. I went out to Loserboy’s “office” (the dishwashing station at Chuck E Cheese) and his manager gave him a 15 minute break to get his ass kicked. I was in a hurry so I ended it with one punch. The last time I saw Loserboy they were loading him into an ambulance . His face looked like he jumped off the Henley Street Bridge and landed on Neyland Drive. Poor Loserboy. I let my bodyguard finish out his shift. He washed diahes in prison so he knows the drill. Later, losers. Jizz Out

        7 years ago at 6:37 pm
    2. Stardog

      The only thing u smoke is pole. The box u got was some boys ass. Now dance for everyone Jr.

      7 years ago at 4:27 pm
  2. SharkWeekTFM

    The only jewels I concern myself with are the pearls on the necklace I leave for each of the upstanding ladies I invite to my bed.

    7 years ago at 5:18 pm
  3. Princeofthegreeks

    I prefer to get cancer as a man as God intended from some filterless Lucky Strikes

    7 years ago at 7:32 pm
  4. 21thrivingblonde

    Juul is just so damn discrete and easy…I’ll stick to my non traditional way and have a double crown and call it a day

    7 years ago at 11:08 pm