A List Of The Most Easily Offended Groups
Trigger Warning: Writing this article triggered me, so it may trigger you as well (because it involves sensitive subject matter and it’s just a really shitty article). Here is a comprehensive list, in no particular order, of the most easily offended groups in America. I apologize if I forgot about your group and offended you.
Vegans can’t go 11 seconds without mentioning they’re a vegan. They’ll explode into a giant blast of kale and BuzzFeed articles. And they LOVE getting furious about meat eaters. If you bash vegans, they will come out of the woodwork and try to start a fight. Luckily they’re so physically weak you can just tap their shoulder and they’ll pass out.
Vegetarians are like slightly less annoying vegans. Only difference is they eat dairy so they still have a fair shot at getting fat. Just kidding. There are actually some fat vegans, too.
Hardcore Feminists
This one is obvious. I shouldn’t even be writing this article. I should be checking my cisgendered heteronormative white male identifying able-bodied privilege and doing my part to smash the patriarchy. Last week I sneezed and I had to apologize because sneezes are rape culture. Seriously, stop sneezing, you fucking misogynists.
Sports Fans
Hardcore sports fans are the male version of hardcore feminists with how defensive and overzealous they are. I always lose track of if I’m supposed to hate Tom Brady or not. Seriously help me out. If I say the wrong opinion about any team or player, or spew an inaccurate stat about your pointless game, and a bunch of schlubby dudes with beer guts will show up at my house with baseball bats.
Comic book fans have become so cocky and snobby. Did they forget that we used to shove them into lockers back in the golden age? Damn, those were the days. Please tell an internet superhero geek that the Marvel movies are boring or that Batman v. Superman wasn’t even bad, and watch them explode in rage because they apparently forgot that vaginas exist.
All the fury about Colin Kaepernick is living proof of how easily offended we are. Don’t believe me? Watch how angry the comments are because I just defended Kaepernick. A bunch of hillbillies hanging their old ass confederate flags, crying a river like millennial feminists. “Don’t disrespect my country! Derp derp derp.”
White, Liberal College Girls
Nobody is more easily offended than rich, white, liberal college girls. They get offended on behalf of every other group. They think they’re social justice superheroes, standing up for every marginalized group by writing angry tweets and pretentious think pieces, when in reality they look like condescending fuckfaces.
Religious People
You guys need to calm the hell down. Don’t worry, if I say something offensive, I’M the one going to hell. Not you.
Really Religious People
I’m looking at you, ISIS.
Atheists love making jokes about how religious people are too sensitive, but atheists are JUST as easily offended. It’s hilarious. Try bashing atheists or atheism and a bunch of butthurt neckbeard redditors will give pretentious speeches about how nothing is real and try to ruin every party they’re at.
Fat People
This is weird. America has a huge obesity problem, but if we mention it then we’re fat-shaming. But guess what — some people are fat. Some people eat too damn much, look like giant bowling balls and don’t even know what the word treadmill means. If your freshman 15 turned into a freshman 500, you deserve to be shamed.
Wally Bryton
He’s such a pussy..
I’m offended that Grandex fired all their good writers and kept you.
8 years ago at 9:51 amI’m starting to think “Wally” isn’t real. Bacon or Dorn, or someone just writes these articles to troll us and for the views/comments. There’s no way a writer for a comedy website can be so unfunny.
8 years ago at 9:59 amI mean…Dane Cook was funny for a while.
8 years ago at 10:17 amDane Cook is Rodney Dangerfield/Bill Murray/George Carlin combined into one, when compared to Wally
8 years ago at 10:21 amI meant that comment in a negative light not praising Dane Cook, perhaps I should have elaborated that assholes like Wally and Cook slip through the cracks cause there are a lot of idiots out there as evident in this election and insane SJW nonsense
8 years ago at 11:06 amFine, fuck you people.
8 years ago at 11:47 amWe get it you like Dane Cook.
8 years ago at 12:35 pmIf they are going to continue to ghost write these articles i am going to continue to ghost read them
8 years ago at 10:19 amWhy can’t Boosh and Danny Regs just freelance?
8 years ago at 9:55 amIn theory they could, but they’d just be taking a massive pay decrease for the say amount of work, I don’t blame them for not coming back
8 years ago at 10:00 am*same Jesus fuck grandex, hire a competent developer to add an edit button
8 years ago at 10:07 amNah, I mean one article here and there. Would be nice
8 years ago at 10:22 amSelf depreciation is only funny if you are actually funny, fuck you.
8 years ago at 9:58 amSelf-deprecation you illiterate fuck.
8 years ago at 11:33 amHey man, Africa is on a downturn in terms of literacy and intellectualism, forgive me.
8 years ago at 11:45 amReligious people and atheists? Why not just have one group ‘Everyone’? At least this piece of shit would be brief that way
8 years ago at 9:59 amFuck Tom Brady, how dare you even question whether or not you should hate him
8 years ago at 10:09 amWally could you do something other than constantly making shitty lists? Maybe try something like oh I don’t know… Jumping off a cliff?
8 years ago at 10:09 amHe needs to do a list of how he will kill himself and then carry out that list
8 years ago at 10:56 amI meant to down vote your shitty joke oops
8 years ago at 11:52 amI don’t know how I’m going to sleep at night now
8 years ago at 9:28 pmI can definitely think of one additional group that should be on this list…..
8 years ago at 10:10 amThis article was so bad it made my ears bleed. Im guessing we aren’t getting Fail Friday, but y’all have time to knock out shit like this. Fuck all of you.
8 years ago at 10:12 amMade your ears bleed? Do you read aloud to yourself? Did someone read it to you?
8 years ago at 11:06 amI’ll say it since he didn’t: blacks.
8 years ago at 10:14 amYou do the lords work
8 years ago at 10:36 amTFM writers who predict college football outcomes
8 years ago at 10:23 am