A Timeline Of The Night Before My Last Final

5:00 PM Text 3 different adderall dealers to ensure productivity. Unwrap recently purchased textbook and beer.

5:03 PM Close textbook and admit temporary defeat. Chug beer and head to study room.

5:05-5:30 PM Get distracted en route to study room, play quick game of Madden. Lose by 25 to the Dolphins.

5:30-5:35 PM Scan test bank, realize there is never anything useful in there. Thumb through old C+ essays by retarded brothers from 1986.

5:36 PM Response text from Brain Steroid Dealer #1. Just sold his last few. Odds of a successful night of studying becoming slim.

5:37-6:00 PM Chicken Parmesan night for dinner at fraternity house. All other priorities take back seat.

6:00-6:15 PM Fruitless lap around fraternity house searching for old notes. Come back to room and lay down for “just a second.”

6:15-10:00 PM Greatest nap of my life.

10:01 PM Check phone, 2 unread messages. No adderall to be found. Begin realizing imminent disaster.

10:02-10:10 PM Only 10 hours to test time. Grab textbook in drowsy daze and head to library.

10:10-10:30 PM Arrive at library, realize I grabbed the wrong textbook. Retrace steps and grab the correct one.

10:31-10:45 PM Find a 20mg addy stashed in drawer of desk. Rejoice the gods of prescription drug abuse. Pop pill, and sit around to wait for it to kick in.

10:45 PM Notice that room is looking a little dirty.

10:46-11:30 PM Clean every surface of room.

11:31-11:45 PM Rearranging all shirts in closet by color.

11:46 PM Realize I’m not sure what chapters are on the test. Grab laptop to look up syllabus.

11:47-12:19 AM Stumbleupon.

12:20-12:35 AM Casual masturbation session.

12:36-12:45 AM Realize how close test is. Grab correct textbook and head to library for the second attempt.

12:46-1:30 AM Searching for a seat. Eventually locate one in eerily dark corner on fourth floor.

1:31-1:45 AM Attempting to figure out most comfortable way to sit in mental hospital-esque library chairs. Make absolutely no progress.

1:46 AM Open textbook to first chapter on exam. Grab highlighter and begin to read.

1:47 AM Last remaining lightbulb in sketchy corner goes dead. Seat now effectively useless.

1:48-1:55 AM Searching for a seat with acceptable lighting conditions. Find one at large table with fraternity brothers.

1:56-2:20 AM Listen to brother’s elaborate story about weekend antics. Get angry looks from nearby Asians after laughter.

2:21-2:30 AM Scan Pandora stations for perfect study playlist. Alternate between Young Jeezy and Alabama Radio several times before deciding.

2:31-3:15 AM Highlighting random passages in textbook.

3:15-3:30 AM Re-read highlighted text, realize that marking the phrase “For most businesses” in chapter 17 was unnecessary.

3:30-3:45 AM Actual, legitimate, focused studying.

3:45-4:00 AM Stare at open page of textbook.

4:01 AM Notice how very few of the people left in the library are speaking English. Become uncomfortable.

4:02-4:15 AM Admit defeat, return home.

4:16-4:18 AM Lay down in bed with textbook, start reading.

4:18-7:50 AM Pass the fuck out. Wake up to cellphone alarm and make it to test just in time.

8:00-9:30 AM Take exam. Struggle.

9:31-9:45 AM Exit exam room, return home and shotgun beer to celebrate.

9:46 AM Check test answers online. 72. C’s get degrees baby.

  1. JTCS

    There’s no fucking way you could fall asleep 6 hours after taking 20mg of Adderall. Funny shit though

    12 years ago at 3:44 pm
    1. Tallapoosa Snu

      You build up a tolerance… 20 mg is like a weak cup of coffee for some people

      12 years ago at 4:44 pm
    2. Fratent Pending

      Snorting addys for fun are great, but for legit studying Vyvanse is the superior product by far.

      12 years ago at 8:11 pm
    3. Forever Frat

      The trick with 60s is you can cut them in half with a sanitized razor blade, since they’re in brick form. 60 mg x 30 a month = 30 sales. 30 mg x 60 a month = 60 sales, and still plenty strong to get your studying in.

      12 years ago at 11:26 pm
  2. HopsScotch

    “C’s get degrees” is the mantra to live by….despite my 3.4 gpa right now.

    12 years ago at 3:51 pm
    1. Bama4Obama

      hahah this is a hilarious idea for a troll. not much long term potential though

      12 years ago at 4:13 pm
  3. csh1858

    The first mistake was waiting until 10:30 to take an addy. Took one at 2 yesterday, studied until 4 am. 8 am test. Success, get an A.

    12 years ago at 4:08 pm
    1. Rutherford B_Haze

      Have any of y’all ever noticed how most sigma chi houses have white brick or stone?

      12 years ago at 5:07 pm
    2. Geordi La Frat

      Have any of y’all ever noticed how most Sigma Chi houses are bottom-tier?

      12 years ago at 8:58 pm
    3. Jon M Fratsman

      Haha Rutherford it’s funny that you say that. Our house is almost exactly the style you mentioned – Greek Revival, big white columns, and grey brick. I guess a lot do look like that.

      sigma chi

      12 years ago at 9:29 pm
    1. GloryGlory

      “Let me google important things that happened in 1986 to try and make this guy look bad!!”

      12 years ago at 11:21 pm
    1. Rutherford B_Haze

      All my TAs are some sort of Asian, and it usually takes them two weeks to figure out how to use the scantron machine.

      12 years ago at 9:10 pm
    2. Louis OostHAZEn

      If you notice, he said, “check answers.” Many tests have an answer sheer you can fill out for your personal use and check online after.

      12 years ago at 10:48 am