According To Former Georgia QB Aaron Murray, TFM Is His Favorite Non-Porn Website


If you ever wondered how Aaron Murray, former Georgia quarterback and the SEC’s all time leading passer, amuses himself online, the answer is threefold: frock references, Fail Fridays, and frat trolls, or in other words, Total Frat Move.

The Kansas City Chiefs’ fifth round draft pick recently sat down with Dan Rubenstein of SBNation to discuss going from college to the pros, as well as a handful of random questions ranging from the quality of Kansas City barbecue (be sure to hit Oklahoma Joe’s, bud) to which super power he would want the most (I would have gone with invincible ligaments if I were him, but whatever).

Among other topics, Murray was asked which non-sports website was his favorite to waste time on. After Rubenstein further qualified that Brazzers was not an option, Murray, who started college right around the time TFM was born, was left with only one logical choice.

Murray: Hmm, TFM probably.

Rubenstein: TFM?

Murray: Total Frat Move.

Rubenstein: Oh yeah, yeah.

Murray: Just some funny comments, some funny pictures.

Rubenstein: Hard to argue with some humor.

Murray: Yeah exactly. Have some fun.

This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, as TFM has long dominated the “What’s your favorite website and you can’t say porn?” lists. We have a lot of audience crossover.

Here’s the full video. The website question starts around the five-minute mark.

Between Murray and Johnny Football, it seems like TFM has the SEC quarterback audience on lockdown. If anyone can get word from Bo Wallace, Nick Marshall, Maty Mauk, Dylan Thompson, and Jacob Coker, that’d be great.

Thanks for reading Aaron, unless you have a secret account on here and routinely eviscerate my self-esteem in the comment section like it’s a mediocre secondary. Go ahead and keep reading, just know if that’s the case, then I died a little more inside.

[via SBNation]

  1. Frattylight_94

    Theres nothing left of your self esteem to destroy after the latest TFM film, bacon.

    10 years ago at 3:52 pm
  2. Jon M Fratsman

    You best believe Dr. Bo Wallace’s mullet-sporting, Tennessee born-and-bred ass reads TFM.

    10 years ago at 4:18 pm
  3. Arkanfrat

    Stop including your yankee ass alma mater in SEC discussions. You yanks will never be real SEC

    10 years ago at 4:26 pm
    1. Frattylight_94

      Yeah you’re right we should all aspire to attend Arkansas like you do.


      10 years ago at 4:33 pm
      1. Arkanfrat

        Not a relevant comment to Missouri being yankees, but if you are going into business, you should aspire to Arkansas’s Walton College of Business.

        10 years ago at 4:56 pm
      2. Frattylight_94

        Yeah, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College has a great EMT program, still doesn’t mean you go there.

        10 years ago at 5:13 pm
      3. Arkanfrat

        I’ll send you a copy of my diploma for your review. It’ll be in your mailbox next to your food stamps

        10 years ago at 5:14 pm
      4. Arkanfrat

        Your profile says you are from Wisconsin, so I can only assume your flowing butthurt toward Arkansas is related to us stealing Bielema from your poor asses. Get over it, we are your betters.

        10 years ago at 5:17 pm
      5. johndoe94

        yeeeeaaah buddy, we finished 9-4, you finished below 500 without winning a single conference game. great steal, chester.

        10 years ago at 5:25 pm
      6. Arkanfrat

        Yet you are still extremely butthurt. We all know losing a few games in the SEC is still better than watching a crappy middling B1G team in -20 degree weather

        10 years ago at 6:11 pm
    2. ZeteNJ

      What is this, 1867. Shut the fuck up with the yankee nonsense you fucking try-hard.

      10 years ago at 6:19 pm
      1. Arkanfrat

        I wouldn’t expect NJ trash to comprehend the culture and history of the South

        10 years ago at 6:46 pm
      2. OnceAPikeAlwaysAPike

        You’re gonna get blackballed real fuckin quick at the rate you’re going

        10 years ago at 8:51 am
  4. Fratchelor Pad

    If you think Oklahoma Joe’s is good go check out Arthur Bryant’s(downtown NOT The Legends location).

    10 years ago at 4:52 pm
  5. GoldenBear17

    He probably has an account and makes fun of Dorn’s mom in the comments..or he is responsible for Yahoo Answers

    10 years ago at 6:00 pm