Air Force Sergeant Saves Man from Burning Vehicle, Uses Hulk Strength

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Everyone knows our military members are top-notch heroes, whether they’re deployed overseas or leisurely traveling down the interstate while they’re at home in the good ol’ USA.

Bob Renning, a first sergeant in the United States Air Force, never knew his true strength until he came across a freak accident while driving down the interstate with his presumably smoking hot girlfriend. While cruising down the road, he noticed the car behind him had burst into flames. Renning stopped his vehicle a couple hundred feet in front of the SUV after the driver quickly pulled over. Renning got out of his own car and courageously sprinted toward the scene. As he approached the flames, Renning could see the driver, Michael Johannes, frantically trying to escape by beating on his door. To make matters even worse, the SUV’s electronics were fried by the flames, thus rendering the power locks and windows useless, leaving Johannes helplessly trapped inside.

Since Renning couldn’t open the door by simply grabbing the handle, he took matters into his own hands. He gripped the frame of the door and pulled as hard as he could, which, to his surprise, bent the door frame and shattered the window. Johannes immediately climbed out of the vehicle, avoiding a certain, painful death.

Emergency responders eventually showed up and determined everyone was safe. Thankfully, Johannes only sustained minor injuries. Renning later told the local news team that he doesn’t even lift, but rather only runs a few times a week.

Even after saving a life, ol’ Bob is still humble as shit.

[via ABC News]

Image via Minnesota State Patrol/Facebook

  1. FrattyKane

    Servicemen are truly heroes of all sorts. Thank you for your service, Mr. Renning.

    10 years ago at 1:08 pm
  2. DhiPelt1848

    The only thing not truly heroic about this story is that it was reported by liberals (ABC).

    10 years ago at 1:51 pm