1. drmcfratty

    If you guys actually went to medical school and looked at my classmates, you’d realize there is a large percentage of people in medicine who do it because that’s where there most competition/prestige is; their whole lives they wanted to be the best at everything and they were. I see many physicians who like the concept of people, but seem less than enthusiastic about interacting with most patients on a really emotional level (In fact, some of the biggest assholes are the most highly regarded physicians in the world). So while he might sound an asshole, he’ll probably do fine in medical school and he may even be a good doc.

    13 years ago at 7:09 pm
    1. BBB IV

      it seriously depends. if this guy is already in medical school, then probably he will graduate just based on statistics, but it will be harder to motivate himself when things get rough. but if he still has to apply, admissions committees will likely see through his bullshit

      13 years ago at 9:01 pm
  2. alphasig_xoxo

    As a fellow, focused pre-med: this makes me want to barf. If your heart’s not in it, you shouldn’t be disgracing the medical profession with your presence.

    13 years ago at 8:18 pm