Lake retreat for the weekend. TFM.

  1. Frathlete

    After many a weekend like this, I learned that if you take as many shelves out as you can and just stack all the cans on top of each other, you can fit at least 2 more cases in a standard fridge.

    14 years ago at 10:53 am
    1. GayTBro

      kegs are frattier? I bet you also think cargos are acceptable shorts too. get off here you GDI

      14 years ago at 5:19 pm
    2. The Brototype

      Guys, relax. Notice the name “ATO Sucks”. Clearly didn’t get a bid from there and he’s a LITTLE bitter. No worries geed, I’m sure FratAss will let you recycle all his used cans, because God knows he doesn’t need them. (Cases by the pallet > Kegs)

      14 years ago at 6:39 pm
  2. Frathoe z71

    Fridge filled with nothing but beer = FAF “ATO Sucks” just shut the fuck up. Your comment just shows how jealous you are of this. Grow some balls and give the person some credit.

    14 years ago at 4:41 pm
  3. FratFratter

    I officially declare this picture FAF.

    Hope you men drank these before the fridge crashed straight through the floor.

    14 years ago at 8:37 pm
    1. Nattys and Frattys

      “ew” Wow obviously you don’t know how to party right and i bet you’re holding a coors light covered with a coozie that has a democrat logo on it you GDI.

      14 years ago at 5:26 pm
    2. Yurman&Nikes

      Haha wow you’re clearly a GDI. Sure, we can afford nice beer (though you probably can’t, GDI) but natty and keystone are classic frat drinks. If it’s an event, one of those beers will be there. They’re the best for shotgunning, and beer like Bud light is only for those that attend house parties only (and not frat house parties)

      14 years ago at 6:13 pm
    3. Second Victory Lap

      Actually it is a coors, but the coozie is from Old South. natty tasts like old bananas. and I still drink just as many beers. @ yurman, I wouldn’t even give the guys mowing my yard a bud light. get over it.

      14 years ago at 2:10 pm
  4. All I Drink Is Fratty Light

    This picture does no justice… whats missing is most of the cubes stacked in the kitchen. Cleared out a piggy wiggly, cvs, and 2 gas stations for one nights worth of drinking

    14 years ago at 11:18 am
    1. David Allan Bro

      The picture is as good as it gets. The GDI camera cant fit enough beer in the frame. TFM

      14 years ago at 5:55 pm
  5. Freorge W. Bush

    I am so sick of these damn “we drink a ton of beer” pictures. Its a given fellas. Unless you are a GDI then you see this shit 365 days out of the year. Its not unique. Post something we haven’t seen

    14 years ago at 8:33 am