ESPN GameDay in front of our stadium. TFM.

    1. Fratlant

      Phi psi at Alabama = Creepy barely a step above GDIs and only that one little step because they have Greek letters but that’s the only fratty things about them. Don’t try and be cool just cause your tiny run down house is near the stadium.

      14 years ago at 11:07 pm
    2. The Bromerican Dream

      hands down not as creepy as PIKE… but at least they finally built a house.

      14 years ago at 12:33 pm
  1. bropenhagen

    gameday = NF, I mean, fuckin Desmond Howard? gimme a break. After the 3+ years of Tim Tebow cocksucking, adding the aforementioned to the crew, and kirk herbstreit, this show is a fucking joke. Bama shouldn’t have allowed them on campus.

    14 years ago at 10:43 pm