My GDI professor asked me what I would do if I could go back in time. I said I would go back and Ice Helen Keller because she would never see it coming. TFM.

  1. bamabro

    im gonna guess this da te da is CH****E WH**E. because that a gay statement that he would make. 1. da te da sucks, 2. get that dick out of your mouth. next time you speak to me.

    15 years ago at 11:24 am
    1. Janderson

      1)Well if you want charlie whites dick in your mouth that’s your own deal. 2) The only person that I know that sucks is your GDI slut of a mom 3) why don’t you stop butt fucking all the GDIs at mallet and never speak to me again

      15 years ago at 11:38 am
  2. bamabro

    your right, my mom was a GDI it sucks having parents that have stayed together, not split because my rich dad loves hookers and my alcoholic mom wants his money. kinda like it sucks being a GDI now and having a greek girlfriend (kinda like the one yall wish yall could have, and might be able to if you werent such fags)that makes fun of frat boys and likes me and my mostly GDI friends because we treat other people like humans. i know its hard for you guys to comprehend that though due to daddys black card, or the extra loan you took out because you werent cool enough to make it here, and your parents really arent that rich, but you needed a fraternity to have a life.

    15 years ago at 12:20 pm
    1. getting my M.R.S. Degree

      wait wait, wait, your girlfriend is in a sorority and dating you, a GDI? Wooahh, where I’m from that is UNHEARD of! She’s either ugly or her own sorority doesn’t like her.

      15 years ago at 3:41 pm
  3. Janderson

    OMG what a touching PSA I was really touched thanks for your opinions about my life and ill take them in to consideration while spending all my dads money tonight. (P.s. A black card has a million dollar minimum so I think my inheritance will be ok)

    15 years ago at 12:31 pm
    1. bamabro

      i know the minumum of a black card crotch stain,theres no laws saying that GDIs families cant have money, or that everyone who comes from money joins a fraternity. and belive it or not, we get it honestly. crazy i know.but hey you go out spend it, have fun! p.s. dont forget your roofies if youre planning on getting laid, its pretty much your only hope.

      15 years ago at 12:43 pm
    2. Rodney Fratkins

      Bamabro, clearly you’re jealous of our frattiness, rich families, sorostitute slam pieces, and polos… Otherwise you wouldn’t be on this site talking shit… Get a life you GDI…

      15 years ago at 1:18 pm
  4. bamabro

    and by the way did you really start that comment with, “OMG” more faggy than fratty there bud.

    15 years ago at 12:49 pm
    1. Broseph Stalin

      You are about as useful as Nick Saban was to the Dolphins. Go home and learn how to mow lawns.

      15 years ago at 2:28 am
    1. Broy McAvoy

      I once ran up a $2,000 dollar bill with this one stripper, then she tried to kiss me. I had plenty of cash to pay her, but just for trying to kiss me, i stiffed her ass. i don’t kiss strippers.

      15 years ago at 11:53 pm
  5. Nobama

    I don’t know these people or wish to but I do know that if I actually knew the person who was talking shit to me on I would kidnap them and allow our pledges to haze them all night in the hazement.

    15 years ago at 10:11 am
    1. Bay Tree Plantation

      I just have no idea why this “bro” is trying to start shit on a website. Relax dude, grow up.

      15 years ago at 10:51 am
  6. Samuel Fratams

    bamabro, first of all, get the fuck off of this site because you’re a GDI. second, we all greatly enjoy spending our parents’ money, treating GDIs like you like shit, and getting fucked up and smashing sorostitutes like the girlfriend you’ve made up online. On a different note.. Da Te Da sucks.
    Frat Hard.

    15 years ago at 12:28 pm
  7. Adamson

    bamabro is just pissed because his girlfriend is fucking fratdaddys because she is sick of looking at his lame GDI graphic tees and dirty dreadlocks coming out of his stupid flat brimmed hat

    15 years ago at 7:27 am