Alleged Pledge Task At University Of Texas Is Terrible Idea And Results In Serious Trouble For 4 Guys

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What the hell is going on at Texas?

Well, according to Reddit, a couple of pledges took things way too far in one class when they entered the classroom dressed as Tom and Jerry and enacted what sounds like a nightmare from my childhood.

Here is the original post, submitted last night on Reddit’s fraternity news page:

This is at the University of Texas – Austin, btw.
My fraternity brother was sitting in class when two dudes dressed as Tom and Jerry walk in. The class and professor laugh, whatever this kinda stuff happens occasionally. Suddenly, the guy dressed as Jerry grabs a piece of chalk and writes “Yall are dead” on the board then both Tom and Jerry stare at the class in silence. Dead silence for 15 seconds, everyone is scared as fuck thinking they are about to pull out weapons, the professor is freaking out, a couple girls started crying. The dumbasses then left and were later arrested and the cops told my bro and his class that they were pledging a fraternity.
Dumbest thing I’ve heard in my life. Not sure which fraternity it was unfortunately.

The arrest and classroom disruption stories are legit. The university’s campus watch page reported that both students were accompanied by two dudes filming them. They were also arrested.

The cat and mouse were reported as dancing around the South Mall prior to entering Mezes Hall classrooms where they disrupted classes that were in session. The two were accompanied by two other non-UT subjects who were capturing their tales on video. The four were later located inside the PCL Library engaging in the same Tom and Jerry foolery. The investigation revealed one of the four subjects had previously received a written criminal trespass warning. That subject was also reported to have run his hand down the back of a female student inside a Mezes classroom. The two cartoons were found to have disrupted a meeting or procession when they stopped educational classes in session. They were subsequently taken to the pound or what many of us would call jail. The other two were issued written criminal trespass warnings and directed to leave the campus. Reported on 09/17/14 at 5:11 PM.

The allegations that they wrote “y’all are dead” are a bit less believable, and would probably warrant an expulsion. Not to mention, it’s just really fucking stupid–you’d think kids who get into Texas have at least an elementary school level of common sense.

It would also make sense that if they did write threats on the board, school officials would notify every student via email, like they do anytime they apprehend a potential threat, which they didn’t.

Social media was abuzz with Tom and Jerry tomfoolery (pun) yesterday. Here they are doing yoga on the South Mall lawn:

Here they are stealing a bicycle on the Drag. They honestly look menacing.

No word on which fraternity these guys belong(ed) to. I doubt any of them are raising their hands to claim them, either.

[via Reddit]

Image via Twitter

  1. FrattataIsEvolving

    “You’d think kids who get into Texas have at least an elementary school level of common sense.”

    Because everyone gets in on their academic merits?

    10 years ago at 1:31 pm
      1. DarkoM

        “You’d think kids who get into Texas have at least an elementary school level of common sense.” lots of idiots get auto admitted via 7-10% law

        10 years ago at 8:56 pm
  2. USArmy

    “You can’t fix stupid. You can’t fix a neutered dog you can’t fix a garage door and hey, you can’t fix stupid” -Uncle Si

    10 years ago at 1:46 pm
  3. TheAmericanConference

    Texas would be the worse state to pull something like that. Surprised nobody popped the trunk on them.

    10 years ago at 2:05 pm
  4. Uncle Sandusky

    Dressing up as a children’s cartoon character and getting arrested. TDornM.

    10 years ago at 2:22 pm